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Door handle external connection to lock

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Please could someone tell or show me how the door handle connecting arm with funny C shape spring should be connected to the link arm that comes upwards from the lock itself?

The link arm from the lock has a 90deg bend and there are two ‘crimped’ flanges on it (not sure if correct term).

This suggests that a split pin could go through the C Spring with the eye at the bottom end of the C spring and then the link arm from the lock go through the split pin eye? With then a spring clip stopping it sliding back off perhaps? I see part 576157 but unclear if I’m right in my thinking how it might work. I can’t see a picture of these two elements connected.


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It seems you're on the right track. The split pin goes through the two holes in the 'C' part of the lock with the eye lowermost. The angled arm from the locking mechanism passes through the eye of the pin and is secured by part 576157 or whatever sutitably sized e-clip or starlock (or just internal star washer)  is to hand. The split pin can then be adjusted in the 'C' to give the nicest operation of the lock.

All straigtfoward until the original pin or 576157 go missing as general off-the-shelf split pins don't have a big enough eye and there is no metric starlock which exactly fits onto the angled arm. In such a case bespokery or persuasion is needed to get the thing together.

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Perfect Chris. Thanks this is now clear and as I’d kind of worked out.

just need the clips which are missing and may use new split pins.


thanks Johny, yep I have those pics in WSM but they don’t show the connection in question as far as I can see.


all good now. I’ll get them ordered.

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