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Working party to help improve the Tssc forum


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Hi All, We are celebrating 10 years of the forum in its current guise, Com would like to set up a small working party to see how we can improve and move the forum forward in a positive way.

If you would like to be part of the working party please message me on here and we can arrange our first Zoom meeting.

Any idea’s from any one will be gratefully received and looked at by the working party.

We are aiming to move the forum forward not moan about the past, Com want this to be a positive not a negative 

Thank you to everyone who has ever posted on the Tssc forum to make it the mountain of information it is.


Chris Gunby 

Tssc chairman 

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Sounds good, Chris - regrettably I don't do Zoom so can talk only as a potential forum customer (and a very satisfied one at that) rather than a mover and shaker but please keep the heart of it solid and dependable. Fads come and go with remarkable rapidity but there is a core of good solid and experienced posters here that I've relied on many times, so don't lose them or scare them away with over-modernisation and trend-following of this or that platform which will be here today gone tomorrow. I find it a more-or-less well-regulated forum, we have the occasional argument or spat but there's none of the pure nastiness or shallow put-down posting that I see all too often on many other forums. Come down hard on the idiots but preserve the sages!

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From an engagement perspective, moving forwards I think the forum ought to allow users to upload more photos than whatever the current limit is - better still, remove the restriction.

Not everyone has the luxury, or technical know-how to store their photos elsewhere and hotlink them here.

Uploading photos for your restoration thread makes the conversations more engaging, and photos accompanying requests for help assists the experts in solving problems for the OP.

Separately from this I'd like to see the local meetings part of the forum better utilised. The last post I can see was from July. We're now in September and I'm pretty certain there's been several local events to me that I had no idea about (I didn't see many advertised on Facebook either). 

From a technology perspective the forum software in my opinion is working well on all the platforms i acess it via, and is still widely used by car clubs so I wouldn't change anything there.

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2 hours ago, DJB350Z said:

From an engagement perspective, moving forwards I think the forum ought to allow users to upload more photos than whatever the current limit is - better still, remove the restriction.

Not everyone has the luxury, or technical know-how to store their photos elsewhere and hotlink them here.

Uploading photos for your restoration thread makes the conversations more engaging, and photos accompanying requests for help assists the experts in solving problems for the OP.

Separately from this I'd like to see the local meetings part of the forum better utilised. The last post I can see was from July. We're now in September and I'm pretty certain there's been several local events to me that I had no idea about (I didn't see many advertised on Facebook either). 

From a technology perspective the forum software in my opinion is working well on all the platforms i acess it via, and is still widely used by car clubs so I wouldn't change anything there.

There is NO limit to the number of photos or their size if you are a TSSC member - who is effectively helping to fund the Forum via your membership fee.

The limit on size and number of photos ONLY applies to non-TSSC members, who are getting the benefit of 80% of the Forum for free.

There has to be some distinct benefits of being a TSSC member, and having no limits on photo size is one of them.

If there are people reading this, who are paid up TSSC members, but are only showing as a "Forum Member", then please let me know your membership number and I'll get you "promoted" to "TSSC Member" on the Forum and remove the photo size limits - and give you access to several more areas that non members cannot see or access.

TSSC Membership available via this link : https://www.tssc.org.uk/tssc/benefits.asp 

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1 hour ago, KevinR said:

There is NO limit to the number of photos or their size if you are a TSSC member - who is effectively helping to fund the Forum via your membership fee.

The limit on size and number of photos ONLY applies to non-TSSC members, who are getting the benefit of 80% of the Forum for free.

I understand the rationale, but my experience using other such forums is that these types of limitations do not exist.

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12 hours ago, DJB350Z said:

I understand the rationale, but my experience using other such forums is that these types of limitations do not exist.

And do those other sites include ads, or in one way or another sell something by any chance?

There's no such thing as a free lunch and someone has to pay the bills somewhere.  In my view quite correctly as a paid subscription members club forum we don't have ads but instead pay for it in part via our subscription.  Many other forums I use give full functionality to all members but either finance them via banner ads or use them to attract visitors/build a brand relationship in hopes of driving users to buy their product/service.

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36 minutes ago, Mjit said:

And do those other sites include ads, or in one way or another sell something by any chance?

Some have banner ads, yes. For some, paid membership means you can go ad-free. Others offer club merchandise, though most I've been part of having nothing close to an online shop that TSSC has, so couldn't some of those revenues go towards the forum?

I think any forums success is down to engagement, and providing your audience tools to tell their stories with photos is one compelling way to do that.

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the shop (currently temporary closed ) has two stage costings 

members get a better price than non members  if you. cant sign in you dont get the club prices

so its got similar rules .....if its so important then join and support the club seems a way most agree with .

its up to members to feed back how they want all this to work to not non members to steer the ship 

think its all  sensible to members 



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1 hour ago, DJB350Z said:

I think any forums success is down to engagement, and providing your audience tools to tell their stories with photos is one compelling way to do that.

I don't subscribe to the myth that allowing people to use the forum in full will make them join the TSSC, in many cases they'll just go on as non-members but using the facilities paid for by others. I know because it's human nature and I've done it myself. I've been to other forums, Triumph, BMW, Landrover, and seen the ads and popups that appear with monotonous regularity, or else ban me because I try to block them. I've also been to forums where I have to pay, or join, to have the full features unlocked, or who will only sell spare parts to members. It's not about excluding anyone, it's rewarding those who pay extra. I'd be more inclined to pay to access something I thought was worth the expense rather than access everything for free, then afterwards maybe think about paying to get something I already have the majority of, someday in the future.

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I don't subscribe to the myth that allowing people to use the forum in full will make them join the TSSC,

I'd probably agree with that, but my suggestions were an attempt answer the original question about improving/moving the forum forward in a positive way.

The membership point is interesting though. Based on publicly available numbers, ~35% of forum users are TSSC members and 59% of those have made 0 posts. I suppose they got membership for reasons other than just the forum.

However, the top 10 contributors that are non-members made a combined 20k posts versus 17k by you alone Colin (what an achievement btw) so the active TSSC members are probably (and rightly) consuming more resources anyway.

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31 minutes ago, DJB350Z said:

I'd probably agree with that, but my suggestions were an attempt answer the original question about improving/moving the forum forward in a positive way.

The membership point is interesting though. Based on publicly available numbers, ~35% of forum users are TSSC members and 59% of those have made 0 posts. I suppose they got membership for reasons other than just the forum.

However, the top 10 contributors that are non-members made a combined 20k posts versus 17k by you alone Colin (what an achievement btw) so the active TSSC members are probably (and rightly) consuming more resources anyway.

You do realise that A ) I like to talk B ) I'm retired and C ) I usually have nothing else to do, given that this is the only forum I contribute to more than once a month so it all tots up. Take away the gabble and rambles (like this post) and the substance will thin out drastically! I've also just found that a capital letter with a bracket behind it can also be used like this B) so had to do some rapid editing. 

But, yes, we do have a small, solid almost family-like core of posters and forum users, and it's how we keep that solidity, that depth of knowledge and help without diluting it or losing it through change which is going to be the challenge. I gave up on the BMW forum when I found out that many of my questions were not being answered due to no-one having the knowledge rather than, as I thought, everyone else being on a higher plane and I was too basic for them. They could drive millions of miles, take loads of scenic photos, and fit wide sporty wheels but many have no idea of more than basic maintenance, and I got no answers to problems I posted other than to look at the videos on Youtube, which are all American and tell me nothing. The great thing about our forum is that there's room for both work and play and we are miles above many in terms of knowledge and helpfulness, which I don't want to see lost through trend-following.


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Hello All,

I think you can blame me for the idea of the working party. I posted a thread about forum usage recently and Chris got in touch me about this matter. We spoke about how we can use the forum and Facebook better for the benefit of the club.

I believe we need to try and move traffic across from Facebook to the forum especially relating to issues around cars.

Interesting someone was posting on facebook and the forum about problems with a speedo, where he got brilliant advice from the forum but strangely he still posting on facebook as well. So we need to understand why the person needs to use facebook as well.

As people have said here, a small group regularly post but if I am not wrong this group is quite mature so we need to bring new people into the forum or it will disappear. ( Colin - without destroying the forum as it stands now)

I have asked a question at the AGM about this matter so it can be discussed with members and COM.

Just my thoughts, but please keep your comments coming.

Sorry if I offended anyone say the "mature" word.




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41 minutes ago, Graham C said:


Interesting someone was posting on facebook and the forum about problems with a speedo, where he got brilliant advice from the forum but strangely he still posting on facebook as well. So we need to understand why the person needs to use facebook as well.


:) The plethora of media networks available to individuals the are very different, with Facebook-style platforms people often simply like to use them - good old personal preference and choice.
I would suggest treading very carefully if there is a strong intent to actively try and move interactions from one platform to another - unanticipated outcomes are quite likely.

……. Andy

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Wasn't the issue that it seemed there was an imbalance between Facebook and the forum in the club communication?

I'm not sure how this software could be adapted to have a club news "splash page"?



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Andy, Aidan

If we do not talk about this, take stock and look in to forum/ Facebook usage then we continue as we are.

I am sure that there is plenty of data we can call upon from the forum on usage.

It may be the best route for the club - leave as is of later club policy on posting information in general.

The above comments are just my thoughts, it is down to the working party to review and decide.

I am just asking the question, as I said all comments/ thoughts are good.


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This is one I have raised in the past and yes I am a none member. Probably not for this forum revision but I stiil think that forum membership that is seperate from club membership has some merit.



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12 hours ago, Triumph948 said:

Great comments from everyone, we are not trying to reinvent the wheel purely to look at how we can improve the forum moving forward.

so who is up for helping in the working party ?

I wouldn't mind, but it depends when it starts. I'm away the first two weeks of October.

Nor sure  I would bring much skill and expertise on the subject but happy to join in

 Can you advise on what  commitment your looking for?



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29 minutes ago, johny said:

Only comment Id like to add is to tread carefully here as theres another club which attempted to revise their forum a few years ago and its never recovered😩

Hi Johny

Could you give further details? No need to mention the club itself,  


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It must be very well known here both the club and the problems it had with its forum although was a few years ago now. If I remember correctly they tried to bring in a new format which had teething problems and put a lot of people off so what was a lively place of debate became much quieter and as I say even now hasnt returned to how it was...

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Hi Pete

I agree, but I think it could be improved?  As I have stated before, why does the club not use this to publish News and Events as it does on Facebook all the time?

If I have one suggestion, it would be a News and Events Section where the Club adds these here as it does on Facebook, maybe default everyone to follow so you get a mail, with the ability to "Un-follow"

Sorry I don't even know if this is possible on this forum software, and I would not suggest that we change to another format re Johny's note above. You know what they say, if you don't ask......


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