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Spitfire 1500 electric windscreen washer - confused


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Dear all,


The saga started with the windscreen wiper motor (replaced) then the switch itself. Windscreen wipers work however found windscreen washer did not.


Found a Blue and Yellow wire going into the back of the windscreen wiper and when moved, yellow wire came off in my hand (honest). Pushed wire into hole, washers work. However after getting switch finally out of dash I thought a simple rewiring would do the trick - no. The back of switch is sealed. So I purchased a new switch from Rimmers. They only do the manual pump type now so that did not help my electric version issue.



I believe the yellow is joined in the loom to the blue so is the source of 12v for the +ve of the washer pump and have traced that yellow wire all the way to the + of actual washer pump. There is a green wire on the pump -ve and found that goes to chassis earth.


So I thought this is easy, get a 2 pole switch (non hold) and wire blue to one contact and yellow to other then when switch is depressed, pump operates.


No - all I get is a low grunt noise from pump and no washers. Proved there is no blockage and pump works by trying wires straight from battery - works good, got wet.


Can anyone help me on a bit of electrical wiring revision?


I tried earthing switch itself thinking the body acts as earth to chassis - no, same result.


Is the switch not meaty enough to switch the live or am I missing something obvious?


Many thanks once again....

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This could be down to the wiper motor is generally got a 12v feed and the switch makes the circuit

To the earthing sweep plate in the motor casing, so whats at the switch may read 12v but it probable was the wiper motor in series with your Sw pump , hence it has no squirt

just an idea



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I thought this at one point so i wired switch, then turned wiper on, then tried switch. Same small grunt. I do notice wipers slower on second click so there might be correlation with the switch and washer. Anyone got a wiring diagram for two speed switch and electric washer?

Cheers Pete for ideas again,


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