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Rear spring

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Hello All

             I want to replace the rear spring on my Spitfire 1500 as it seems a bit soft and I have already stripped and replaced the the interleave buttons with PTFE ones.


I was looking around and trying to decide were to get one from when I came across this company and as they are only about 10 miles away and they make springs not import them from who knows where? and I can collect it when made.


I was quoted £48 + vat! which seems a very good price to me.







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Hello Pete

               Buy a spare how long do you think we will all live?


I think the one on the car now is the original and 100,000 miles so has done pretty well?


It is still ok untill we go travelling with all the stuff needed(Spares,Tools etc oh and a few clothes for the memsab!)


I want to know how people get on with boot racks fitted? I can overload without!


Off to the Emerald Isle on Monday for a tour in Spitty.


I will start a blog or what ever it is called and post a few photos(if we get any dry weather!)


I wonder how Spitty will run on Pochine? or shall I drink it and it will seem fast?



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      a good few nips of Pochine and you wont care anyway 


              you cant fit a barrel on a boot rack , dont want it to drop off at speed !!




You can use a Jerry can, same idea but more driver-friendly. A length of plastic pipe over your shoulder and you can sip as you drive....


(Disclaimer: at no point am I advocating drinking and driving, neither endorsing nor recommending it, this is merely a throwaway remark along the lines of a humorous aside and should be taken as such. I take no responsibility for anyone reading this who decides to follow my hint and thereby breaks the law, or gets poteen stains on either his trousers or the seat covers, or spontaneously combusts whilst lighting a cigarette after imbibing. In any case I never mentioned that the jerry can should be filled with poteen, I was actually thinking of water. Don't drive and dehydrate. The value of your house can go down as well as up. Terms and conditions apply.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello All

             I have been looking at my rear spring now the n/s gubbins is out of the way.


It looks to me as if the 2 leaves have taken on an upward bend which would account for the slighly saggy backend? (I wonder if I can have a new spring fitted?)


I have not got the new spring yet as they were out of stock and it was a job scheduled for the winter anyway.





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  • 4 months later...

Hello All

            Been and collected my new spring today and it looks well made to me and ONLY £57.60 inc VAt


This is the Company.




They are UK made (Bridgnorth)


I had an interesting talk with the Boss he used to work for Triumph in the later days and he seems to know all about springs









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Hello All

            Today I decided to fight the spring(to the death?)


So its all off and I need a rest over lunch before the assult starts again!


The leaf dimensions are different as follows


Main Leaf  new  0.390"/10mm thick old one 0.250"/ 6.5mm


Safety Leaf new 0.312"/8mm  old one  0.250"/6-5mm


All others  new 0.312"/6.5mm in center and tapered towards ends  old one 0.375" no taper


When stood on floor there is about 20mm difference  100mm new 80mm old(may change when spring box fitted?)


Now I am not worried by the differences as it appears to be well made(Tapered leaves?)


Plus you can see the bend in the old one and make me think we may have been lucky not to have a spring break?


The other thought I have had is I have a pair of adjustable Koni's on the back and last time I rebuilt the spring with new nylon pads I increased the damping to allow for the weaker spring so do we think it is best to wind them right off for now(they are a pain as have to be removed to adjust?) as the spring is going to be much firmer(and I don't wan't my fillings to drop out)


This is a touring car not a track car(well when the Memsab is on board!)








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You may find the Car a bit firmer at the back and also slightly higher, you won't know though till you fit it!!


If you stand the springs side by side in the normal fitted position is the new one higher in the middle?


Also are the Spring Eye Bolt Holes the same distance apart as this will affect the camber. 

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