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CDSE 150SE Carbs fitted to Vitesse Mk2

Paul H

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Hello Robin.

These brass tags, now seen less and less, are attached to the dashpot by one of the screws, so in this case it's a no. They have a unique number that refers to the carb application for that vehicle, needless to say as carbs are often swapped the tags lose their importance.

The following website is excellent and what this person (Eric) does not know about carbs and needles etc. it is not worth knowing !!




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Cd has thames barrier type choke , a cam ramp that rotates and blocks the throat whilst lifting the air piston

Cds has a starting valve enrichment device on the side , on triumphs just the front  carb with a exess fuel pipe to feed the rear

Both have fixed needle and bottom adjustable jet assy

Cdse  emission control  intage , has starting valve and temperature compensators , can have biased needle and is adjusted via the dashpot tube which moves the needle , the jet is fixed

Cdsev has more emmission add on,  thottle popet vavles on the disc and air bypass deceleration throttle controls




Edited by Pete Lewis
added needles and jets
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That's the sort of pin point information that is so often missing in books and other applications; yet which is so useful to persons wanting to know that technical detail for the very reasons Robin has flagged.

Nice input !!



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Just added an edit

Richard its always bugged me that so many manuals avoid or miss out some simple basic data

Seems often just the bit youre looking for is .....left out

Pity you couldnt make twiddle day ,,,  a good laugh

Im amazed what creeps out the grey matter,,   wish I could fix this silly tablet,  and give the laptop a good talking to  Ha


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I have that Haynes manual - an eBay purchase for £7 a couple of years ago, so 10x inflation over 2 years is satisfying! ?

I'm lucky that my carbs still have their brass tags attached, which meant I could be happy they were correct for the car (that and the fact the car runs fine!). That said, no idea if the original B5BT needles are still installed after all these years. 


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2 hours ago, Pete Lewis said:


A brilliant site for detail is buckeye triumphs 

Gives you details of how to in detail including how to remove biased needles  to read the spec numbers

Never mind the car model the basics are all the same 


Hi Pete - your link didnt work try this Buckey


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Your link worked for me.

Glad all went well with the "Twiddle Day" - as you know could not make it due to holidaying in Cornwall.

Hopefully another TD and if so I will ensure no double-booking !!



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