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Help!!! Many Issues


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Hi All,

I am in a bit of predicament :(

My 13/60 herald is playing up big time and i just don't know where to start. To make matters worse this is my only car and i don't have use of welders, Garages, even jacks etc. to fix it. Just a Medium sized blue tool box for simple jobs.


Firstly whenever i go above 40MPH the car rumbles like crazy. This has been an ongoing issue. I have replaced the Diff and one of the rear UJ's the bearings seem ok. Bushes are a mismatch of rubber a Poly.

And secondly my Clutch master cylinder is next to useless. Just about works but the problem i have is i don't have anyone to help bleed it after replacement. Can this job be done on my own?


Finally is there anybody in the Edinburgh area that could give me a hand/teach me about Triumphs? Can pay in Beers or Beer money ;)

I can't really take it to a Garage either. I am a student who earns very very little.

Look forward to your responses. Maybe i might finally get my herald driving smoothly again.


p.s Another slight issue is that when ever i come off the Accelerator or engine brake there appears to be a very brief grinding coming from the engine not loud but is there.

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Another trick is fit a long tube on the bleed nipple and with a jar up high on the biulkhead youmcan see when theres no air then nip under and close the nipple   make sure its at the top above the feed pipe


Cheap on ebay are often sold as , upgrade , its not  its a different size but close enough to work ok and thye are often less than£15 

May need to change the push rod ,   just thinking of your ecomomics



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Thanks for the responses guys.

I may get in touch with Euan and see if he's up for guiding me in the right direction.

As for bleeding the clutch it was suggested to me that taking the gearbox tunnel off is the easiest way to get to the slave. (the only jack i have is a scissor only safe enough to change a wheel and i have no ramps)

What are your thoughts on this?





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Very difficult from below, really is tunnel out. 


Re 40mph rumbles, does is suddenlt suddenly strt at 40mph (or thereabouts) or com in gradually. And does it feel like the car is trying to shake itself apart?

If so I would say propshaft. New UJ may be required. If a strap drive (thin strips of metal making a square at one end) they are notorious. I cured one in 5 minutes by removing the straps and bolting the 2 bits together solid. All vibration gone. (shouldn't work, but it does. Sometimes)

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For brake/clutch bleeding I'm also on my own and have tried all sorts, from pressure systems like Gunson's Eezibleed (could never find an adapter cap that fitted properly) to vacuum ones (could never get a good-enough seal on the bleed nipple so you just end up sucking air past the nipple rather than fluid through it).  The only I always come back to is also the cheapest, the Vizibleed ( http://r.ebay.com/xUayek ).  That one's £3.48 with free shipping and, well they just work.

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Even cheaper is a long tube ,  have the jar up high as possible , air floats up, the tube keeps a head of fluid , 

And a hook on the bottle means you ďont kick it over  when distracted

You can plug the end and make a slit  in the side this acts as a valve   opens as fluid is pressured out

And foot  operation is down fully and quick , return back slowly ,  to give recuperation a chance ,  like count  to 3


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