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Poor quality parts

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Is that the rubber boot completely disintegrated? If so, I had exactly the same on a 2.5PI with brand new parts from a reputable local specialist. The quality of rubber on new parts is shocking. Said specialist free-issued me a pair of new boots because they know of the problem.

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And that perished boot is an MoT fail.

Earlier Standard cars used a greasable ball joint, with sliding metal discs to seal them over.    No rubber boot.    The Standard 8 fits small chassis Triumphs, I think, if you can get them.


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1 hour ago, JohnD said:

And that perished boot is an MoT fail.

Earlier Standard cars used a greasable ball joint, with sliding metal discs to seal them over.    No rubber boot.    The Standard 8 fits small chassis Triumphs, I think, if you can get them.


I have a pair of those, genuine stanpart in their boxes. The metal shields are simple and I presume effective? But the radon I bought them is that physically they are smaller, and give extra clearance when using vented discs.

Re rubber boots, Bill Davies (who knows more than most of us) was adamant the boots fitted to new balljoints is rubbish, but the replacement boots are ok. To the extent is is worth fitting replacement boots to new balljoints when initially fitting.

I have successfully used the company linked to above for balljoints, happy to recommend.

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Thanks for the link to the boot company - fitted a new pair of track rod ends last September (NOS ones in a Stanpart box) and one of the boots has split already.

Just need to go and have a measure of the old ones to see which ones I need!


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 Last month a local had a  (not a) MOT offer a failure due to  the orig greasable TRE had a rubber cup that could allow road debris 

It was as designed and the rubber cup was perfect,  we changed it to a new one which probably will fail quickly

And some warning NOS has the possibility of 40+  yr old stock and  rubbers degrade as a matter of course as Gully has experienced 

Its not always a good idea  where rubber is involved



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On 2 July 2019 at 14:42, daverclasper said:

Hi Gully.  Assume that's for GT6. If so, If you can let me know the measurements please , as will be handy for my Vitesse.

Cheers, Dave

I remembered that I'd kept the boots off my old TREs when I changed them last year as the boots were in good condition. Miraculously, they were where I'd thought they'd be, so have swapped the split one out for one of those. In terms of dimensions, I would need to buy Boot 2 on that linked page - hole diameters around 30mm and 12.5mm.


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