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GT6 Mk 3 Indicator flasher


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A rather stupid problem that I suspect has a very simple solution!


I have restored my Mk 3 and in doing so added some left and right indicator tell-tales on the dash. They worked OK at first but, after a winter standing under the car port the left hand indicators refuse to flash!


The tell-tales light up fine.


The right hand indicators work fine but the LH indicators  front and rear, simply light, reliably but without flashing.


My initial thought was a new flasher unit, but would that resolve the problem. Power is obviously getting through so it must be in the flasher unit itself. They were never that reliable any way!


Is there a more reliable solid state unit available? If I'm going to fish about under the dash I would like to sort the problem for good and all.

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Think I would double check the lamp holder earths and

flash rate is dependant on the load , check the bulbs are all 21w and no twin filiament 5/21w have got fitted to the flasher bulb holders

these have the dreaded claw fitting lamp holders many get mix and matched

as some earth via the claw and some need a dedicated earth wire, intermix the twin filament offset bayonet holder and the single filament holders and then mix up the earth requirements on rear lamps on mk3 gt6 and lV &1500 spitfire and these little sods make headaches easy






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The problem cannot be in the flasher unit because the right indicators work. It is the switch after the flasher that directs to the left or the right so if the flasher were faulty neither side would work.. If they worked once then the bulbs must be correct. Perhaps the clue is in it has been standing over Winter so I'm inclined to agree with Pete that there is an earth problem. But it is odd that both front and rear left side are affected. Do the hazards work? If so perhaps the problem is in the column switch.

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As well as the load (power), the flasher is also voltage-sensistive (cuz that changes the power). Is the engine running? If not, start engine. If problem occurs with engine running, is the alternator OK? Put an AVO or DVM on the battery and see if the volts rise to about 14V. This would explain a slight difference in the LH bulbs (brand, for example, or grotty contacts) giving constant LH while RH flash OK.



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