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Spitfire Mk3 D Type Overdrive Conversion


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I've got a Spitfire Mk3 currently non overdrive with a 3 sync gearbox.

I recently brought a Spitfire MkIV 4 sync D type overdrive for the car, and I am aware I need to get a new prop shaft

I like historical accuracy and the novelty of non sync in first gear, so I want to stick with the 3 syn gearbox and marry the overdrive to this gearbox.

So my question is, can I use the mainshaft of the 4 sync overdrive gear in the 3 sync gearbox? Or will I need to buy a new mainshaft for the 3 sync gearbox?

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the first take off with a helical 1st gear will soon dissipate the ideas of nostalgic whines of a 3 sync.  

have to agree   use what you have , see how its goes , it only takes an hour to whip it on and back off if not impressed 

gearbox repairs dont stop at the mainshaft 

also  do you have the extended remote shaft  with the inhibitor switch cam fitted ???

a  rear mounting  chassis  plate and its mounting and  D type must have a relay to feed the solenoid 


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It's not just the novelty for the 3 sync, the 4 sync gearbox I have has a worn out input shaft, and the constant gear to the lay shaft on both the input and lay shaft is razor sharp due to the failed bearings. The D Type O/D sandwich plate, and mainshaft is good so it's possible to marry what I have to another non O/D gearbox

My 3 sync non O/D currently in the Spit does wine, but it was because I've been offered a good condition non O/D 3 sync that I was thinking of marry them together. Unless anyone out there wants to offer me a 4 sync 3 rail non O/D for a reasonable price that I could marry to my D Type O/D to?

And yeah Pete if you if you could PM me with more details with the conversion that would be awesome

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