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no more petrol or diesel

Ian Faulds

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I just wonder what us classic lot will do when petrol is on the downside, where will we be able to get it to still run our cars?

I know it will take a while after 2035 to see off the older petrol/diesel cars so ill probably not be here by then . but I wonder.

what will the govt tax to get the cash back they lose on fuel?

how do we run trucks on electric?

what about towing caravans?

I sometimes think nobody thinks things through thoroughly.

the climate bullies shout a lot but have either none  or crazy ideas.


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Certain people with an eating disorder (vegan) say they are doing it to help the planet.... Testicles... The carbon footprint on a lot of their food is incredible as it comes from all over the world...... Will they stop having holiday's or ordering goods online? Not a chance......


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I think we are being preached at by a younger generation that consumes far more than we did but doesn't see anything wrong in their behaviour.  I sometimes wonder how much carbon is consumed when anyone from the age of 7 years upwards charges their phone each night - in reality just an electric toy.  Or now that people shower daily how much "one use" plastic is consumed in shower gel bottles rather than using soap - never mind the energy used to heat the water...  How much energy and chemicals are used in washing machines,  when a shirt only lasts a day....  Our supermarkets are full of non seasonal food flown in from around the world packed so busy millennials can spin it in the microwave after a long day protesting..

With all that, we then look on the car as a source of evil.  If I was a climate change activist living in central London who had no need of a car, only left London to fly to Tuscany, perhaps I too wouldn't give a toss about all those Northern people trying to get to work on non existent public transport....






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I watched s DHL logistics programme on Channel 5 the other day and they were proud of the fact that the smoked salmon process involved some 5,500 air miles from catching the salmon processing and final delivery to the customer on time 



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We all know that our trains and bus service will never fulfill the activists hope. We also know that electric cars won't be the answer either already their rabbiting on about tyre and brake dust pollution. 

They will stop the country nobody can get to work if your not living on the doorstep. Holidays? Forget it let's walk to the next village. Kids can't do football. Rugby or swim as clubs are too far away. No trains for night shift workers. Car and caravan industry obliterated. Everybody freezing cold  because the systems they describe wont heat your house to what we are used too. Or kill the asthmatic people from dust being blown about by the air pump system. In reality it will not work. 

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Calm down everybody.

We don't make or really even influence policy. That is done by people/companies with very large bank balances.

All will be fine. Things will change, they always have. We have been living in times of affluence and consumerism for the last 40 years or so. Yes, we all have central heating, almost a car a person and more than one holiday a year now, but that may have to change. But it will be just that, a change. No point in getting all het up. Better to go and enjoy the cars while we still can! Go on, do that trip around Scotland. And the Alps. And the Dolomites. Visit Spain in your Spitfire, Hungary in your Herald. Vienna in your Vitesse  and err Bordeaux in your Bond. enjoy them, make sure by the time petrol is getting hard to find your car is worn out, but has had a life well lived. (then convert it to electric!)

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14 minutes ago, clive said:

Calm down everybody.

We don't make or really even influence policy. That is done by people/companies with very large bank balances.

All will be fine. Things will change, they always have. We have been living in times of affluence and consumerism for the last 40 years or so. Yes, we all have central heating, almost a car a person and more than one holiday a year now, but that may have to change. But it will be just that, a change. No point in getting all het up. Better to go and enjoy the cars while we still can! Go on, do that trip around Scotland. And the Alps. And the Dolomites. Visit Spain in your Spitfire, Hungary in your Herald. Vienna in your Vitesse  and err Bordeaux in your Bond. enjoy them, make sure by the time petrol is getting hard to find your car is worn out, but has had a life well lived. (then convert it to electric!)

you forgot Germany in your GT6 😉

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Ive just come from Aldi and there are tins of fishless tuna on sale    really  !!!!    what with meatless meat balls  we should be lucky when the electric car cant get charged and we cant go shopping for this rubbish

back to dig for britain and a chicken run, down the garden   i guess thats got protestable by products too 



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Alcohol will save us all! Currently we have 5% ethanol in some fuel, soon to be 10% But in the USA you can get 85% and Brazil 95%. Ethanol is bad at cold starting, but not an issue in Brazil I guess. 

As electric becomes dominant and petrol scarce the Petrol price will rise and ethanol becomes a viable option.

engine mods will be required, not the least to the fuel line rubber pipe!




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I`d like someone to explain to me where all the charging infrastructure is supposed to come from ,including power stations,or who`s paying for it.

And as some has already said,how will they replace the billions of £ in taxes paid by motorists?.(rhetorical question of course).

I best attach a microphone to my Vitesse` tail pipe to record it for when it runs on batteries or hydrogen.Might be better weight distribution then.

I thought Labour made up policy on the hoof but jeez.


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23 minutes ago, Pete Lewis said:


back to dig for britain and a chicken run, down the garden   i guess thats got protestable by products too 



Some councils here are actually giving residents who want them chickens, not to eat themselves but to eat their waste vegetable matter. A good by product is of course fresh eggs. Living in a rural area farmers are starting to get into the production of 'biomasse' (as it is called here) gas to use as fuel for heating and/or generating electricity. Won't be long now I guess before they start running tractors on it. . .

Eat, drink and be merry, tomorrow we die! In there somewhere should also be drive the Triumph


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1 hour ago, Bob Horner said:

I think we are being preached at by a younger generation that consumes far more than we did but doesn't see anything wrong in their behaviour. 

Greta the Liar is a perfect example; she thinks she has all of the solutions, as she doesn't yet need to run a family, hold down a job, or maintain a house. Once she grows up a bit and realises the full adult picture of society and the world in general, she'll fade into the background very quickly...

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9 minutes ago, Colin Lindsay said:

Greta the Liar is a perfect example; she thinks she has all of the solutions, as she doesn't yet need to run a family, hold down a job, or maintain a house. Once she grows up a bit and realises the full adult picture of society and the world in general, she'll fade into the background very quickly...

I actually think that is a scandal,whoever is pulling her strings should be ashamed of themselves,she needs professional help imho.



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16 minutes ago, Colin Lindsay said:

Greta the Liar is a perfect example; she thinks she has all of the solutions, as she doesn't yet need to run a family, hold down a job, or maintain a house. Once she grows up a bit and realises the full adult picture of society and the world in general, she'll fade into the background very quickly...

Have you seen her dad? Say no more. 

Anyway in 200 years the Albanians will invent the motor engine. We can make automobiles. Far better than the horses and carts you lot are using....... 🤣 

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1 hour ago, ludwig113 said:

you forgot Germany in your GT6 😉

Sorry 😣

Germany has some great roads. That's where we got 116mph (genuine, satnav) in the spit before we ran out of room...

As for the black forest, and other mountain passes, it is brilliant. Thoroughly recommend Germany in a Triumph.

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44 minutes ago, Colin Lindsay said:

Greta the Liar is a perfect example; she thinks she has all of the solutions, as she doesn't yet need to run a family, hold down a job, or maintain a house. Once she grows up a bit and realises the full adult picture of society and the world in general, she'll fade into the background very quickly...

She is undoubtedly being used by some organisations as a "poster girl". I have said elsewhere, I really worry for her wellbeing once she is no longer useful to them and the limelight fades. On teh other hand, I am glad that some youngsters are actually standing up for things they believe in, it makes me hopeful for the future. Sure, there are loads of young rebels who will fade away as they get families and jobs, but some will persist in doing the stuff that is important.

Sadly nobody really knows how this will pan out. The science/research into CC is generally sound, if open to criticism as it is often sponsored by those with a vested interest, while oters are making vast fortunes by "greenwashing". Add to that the wild predictions made 30 years ago that were just "worst case scenarios"  and you end up with people just not believing that the planet not coping with human activity very well. Not sure when the tipping point will be, but possibly in my lifetime, almost certainly in my childrens. And nobody has a credible plan that is acceptable to us.

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People don't believe what they don't want to hear. Greta is not a liar. The environment is in a seriously perilous state, every bit as bad as the "fearmonger" scientists predicted 30 years ago, if you actually read what they said, not the lies told about them by people who, as I've already said, didn't want to hear it.

We'll all be dead before the world becomes uninhabitable. But some of us have children, or grandchildren.

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1 hour ago, Colin Lindsay said:

Greta the Liar

A tad strong I think. As you’ve described naive, misguided, but not a liar. And in the company of Saint Attenborough who fulfils all your requirements, but still holds the same views.

If you want a liar look no further than Boris, sacked as a journalist for making up stories, not once but twice. Today it appears he’s said he doesn’t really “get” climate change. God help us!


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Is it not the case,

That if we do nothing we will achieve nothing, whereas if we try something we may achieve something.

There is no doubt there is far more awareness of global & environmental issues than there was even x5 years ago - whoever the poster person is or the message being sent there is now a growing tangible positive action.

I do not know if you have been watching the latest series of Dr Who, but nearly all the episodes all pitching a "read between the lines" warning. Last Sunday was based on the huge amount of plastics being disposed of, both land and sea. If this helps to create a better awareness by adding such within these episodes, then I applaud the producers.



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So In 2035 no petrol or diesel vehicles to be sold.

Between 2035 and 2055 there will be  cars (sold prior to 2035) still be on the road and they will require petrol and diesel.

The Gov't of the day will have to allow the sale of fuel for these mucky vehicles..  Not only will they have to allow it they will have no choice otherwise where will they store all the fuel that can't be sold in the long lost garages

Big ships etc etc will need diesel far beyond 2035. Aircraft will need kerosene far beyond 2035.

When you crack crude you get lots and lots of separate constituents.  Car Diesel/Petrol is a massive % of this cracking process. You can't be selective.

If you want the clever parts of crude you have to have the other stuff as well.

So in order for everybody to drive electric cars on and after 2035 you need a universal package that answers too many questions.

Even Nuclear is becoming a non-starter - not for its dangerous nature (not) but it is becoming difficult to manufacture the materials for the core structures etc etc. Very special steel.







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Don’t get me started on Dr Who! I like the lady Dr, I think Jodie Whittaker’s got the character to a T. However, the stories, the writing, slow, disjointed, confusing, tedious. Other Dr Who writers have done environmental stories to great effect, but this lot will kill the franchise. The reappearance of Captain Jack should have been WOW! But his dialogue was cringeworthy.

Sorry, thread drift over.


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