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New Noise . Vitesse mk2

Paul H

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Hi. Just giving my Vitesse some fresh air , and a clattering noise as if something is loose . Only comes on under load so at 30 mph in 4th all ok , open her up and clattering starts , slow down and the noise stops    Only thing that has happened is the clutch was stuck on , one day I will learn to leave it out of gear . To release I put the car in reverse ( I drive into my garage ) and started the engine and it freed almost straight away . Could I have done any damage ? 


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35 minutes ago, Iain T said:

Hi Paul, do you have original gearbox?

I have a type 9 and they do clatter at low revs, it's the nature of the beast. Just stir the box to get revs up and all's OK.


Hi Iain . Standard box though reconditioned . First time for this noise . Will try and drive through the noise and see what happens 


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24 minutes ago, Nigel Clark said:

Where does the noise seem to come from? It's possible the jolt freeing the clutch could have damaged the clutch friction plate, causing spring(s) to loosen and rattle. However, that would likely go quiet under load.


Hi Nigel  clatter coming from gearbox though can never be sure , dip the clutch and clatter stops . Was wondering if I’d done in a Uj on the prop with the jolt 


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Paul, I would have thought if the UJ was damaged the noise would occur in various gears when under load and slowing down plus probably driveline vibration.

How long ago was the gearbox reconditioned?

Did you replace the clutch release bearing?


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1 minute ago, Iain T said:

Paul, I would have thought if the UJ was damaged the noise would occur in various gears when under load and slowing down plus probably driveline vibration.

How long ago was the gearbox reconditioned?

Did you replace the clutch release bearing?


Hi Iain . Recon Overdrive box added about 3k ago by Manvers Triumph . Clive Manvers said clutch gear was fine and didn’t need replacing 


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3 minutes ago, dave.vitesse said:


It may be something to do with the clutch release mechanism. Have a look around the release fork.


Thanks Dave . I’ll remove the cover and inspect . If the release fork is the issue what would I find ? 


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3 minutes ago, Iain T said:

I would make sure the arm moves smoothly back and forth. From memory it pivots on a ball mounted on the side of the bell housing and the arm is retained by a spring clip in a depression in the arm.

Is there any driveline vibration?


Hi Iain thanks , no driveline vibration 


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5 minutes ago, Pete Lewis said:

i would also look at crank endfloat and fan fixing bolts'bushes 

i would not expect a lightly stuck disc to wreck the damper springs  as it didnt take much to free it off

if you have the tunneloff feel the throw out lever when the noise appears , is doing any odd vibrations ??


Hi Pete . Fan fixing bolts , do I just check if they are tight ? 

Endfloat check . This is inserting smallish wrecker bar to see what movement there is ? 

Checking the throw out lever with the cover off makes good sense 

Was my clutch freeing off method wrong ? 


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3 minutes ago, Iain T said:

Paul, silly question but has this noise occurred on first drive after seized clutch?

Pete, surely end float would be an issue every time the clutch was operated and in whatever gear?


Hi Iain . Car has been in the garage for last 3 months . Stuck clutch yesterday ,  freed off and left to idle for 10 mins . Today was first run since freeing the clutch 


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7 minutes ago, Pete Lewis said:

frequency of the clatter   engine related or prop rev related ??


Or simply speed related? Something blowing about underneath when over a certain speed? 

Make sure it's not the rad moving back into the fan and hitting the blades as air resistance pushes it back - check everything that might come into contact with fan blades.

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I would take gearbox cover off and check arm operation engine off and on, car stationary. Is there a rattle and if so does it go away when the clutch is operated?

You can hear better with the cover off and then take it for another spin to see if you can identify where the noise is coming from, if you are in 3rd and low revs then accelerate does the noise still occur?


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13 minutes ago, Pete Lewis said:

thinking out the box,  has a pushrod jumped out of its rocker ??  

yes Ian  endfloat making flywheel foul rear plate  all /any time 

is this engine knock,   what happens in  1st 2nd 3rd 4th  ??

frequency of the clatter   engine related or prop rev related ??


Hi Pete , treated gently there’s no issue at all , 1 2 and 3 goes through the box as normal , go into 4th no problem, cruise at 30 mph no problem , then foot down and accelerate that’s when the clatter starts , take foot off accelerator or dip clutch , clatter stops 




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4 minutes ago, Iain T said:

I would take gearbox cover off and check arm operation engine off and on, car stationary. Is there a rattle and if so does it go away when the clutch is operated?

You can hear better with the cover off and then take it for another spin to see if you can identify where the noise is coming from, if you are in 3rd and low revs then accelerate does the noise still occur?


Hi Iain pretty sure it was ok in third accelerating , issue seems to happen when it’s under load ie 4th haven’t been able to check overdrive yet . Will remove the cover and test drive again 


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Those out there with Triumph gearboxes is it normal'ish to have a noise/gear rattle under load at low revs in top? As I said given the same conditions my type 9 (rebuilt and uprated by BGH last year) rattles and if I remember my XR4i did.


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