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Rear brake cylinders


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I'm after replacement GWC1110, it seems I have 3 options:

  1. Unbranded sold through eBay or the usual Triumph specialists.
  2. QH branded
  3. Delphi branded

Does anyone know if QH and/or Delphi are still making OE quality parts or if either or both are now just printed on boxes that come from China like everything else? (a la Lucas)
Or does anyone know of any other options?

Cheers, Sam

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Hi Sam, i have replaced one on my Dolly that was seized solid with QH ones. I bought 2 as i thought the other side might need doing. I havn't had any problems so far (12mths) but i did pack the boots with red rubber grease. Strangely there was no corrosion on or in the other cylinder.  They do look well made and nothing say it was a chinky.


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please don't these days group Taiwan with China I think their a step ahead like Japan & Korea. I do have a personnel interest having a daughter in law from Taiwan whose father is in the manufacturing industry there and his electrical and mech products are of very good quality, in fact he manufacturers for the top names.

I have brought Lucas electricals produced in Taiwan which are direct copies of the originals & have been excellent and passed the time test.

I have also brought Spitfire, Vitesse & Sprint rear brake slaves from the UK, a mixture of makes some were Delphi which also have proved excellent, and I've had no issue with them, but we don't suffer the rigors of the UK wet climate and salt roads.

In the last 10 years I have brought 2 Lucas rebuilt alternators both arrived in box's as being rebuilt by Bosch? the box's having the Lucas item nos printed on them, so do Bosch rebuild Lucas items? Place of remanufacture not indicated on them.

I converted my daughters Mk2 Spit from manual elect fan to auto temp control, I brought a kit (Chinese) from local here in Aus $20 delivered with all switch's adapter boss's auto overheat heavy duty circuit breaker, all brass fittings. being a bit worried re the longlevity of the temp switch I subsequently brought 4 similar units all brass ex H/Kong free delivery at $3 ea 2 at 82C  & 2 at 90C, so I had spares.

I subsequently pulled one to bits and found the construction to be adequate with good internal insulation, resistance welded contacts and good construction re quality of elect items I cannot comment. but at $12 investment I'm hopefully protected for a long time.

Have I had failures YES a Jag remote door opener ($15) but I used its surface mount switch's on the original and fixed the originals fault. The local Jag supplier appears to use the same replacement ($60), so was I unlucky?

Peter T


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Taiwan used to be how China is now Peter, probably around 30+ years ago. But as you say they have upped their game like Korea and Japan.  The sooner China realise how much of their stuff is rubbish the better. I do think everything should come with a country of manufacture stamp on it..... We then have a choice what we buy.


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10 hours ago, poppyman said:

  The sooner China realise how much of their stuff is rubbish the better.

I don't know what difference that will make. They'll continue to manufacture it, and sell it. What we need to do is to convince the suppliers, with whom we deal, that we want better. I'm as guilty as any, trying to buy parts as cheaply as possible, but it's always a compromise between quality and value, and in recent times I've been stung too often. 

The problem is that we either shell out hard cash for the parts we need, or else we'll be told: not available. Not a great choice...

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Trouble is its so difficult to convince people the extra cost is actually getting them better quality! The Chinese will have to do what the Japanese did at the beginning: improve quality and still sell cheap. It takes years but eventually when people have accepted the high quality of a brand the manufacturer can then start to increase their prices and make a decent profit....

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China is capable of manufacturing very high quality parts for anything.

Sadly the Western suppliers ask for cheap as they think they can only sell cheap. WE are to blame not the Chinese.

If you ask for cheap and buy cheap you will only ever have cheap.  Change your habits.


Brakes are quite important - honest



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I wasn't trying to cast aspertions on any nation or start a debate on the relative quality of different countries engineering capabilities.

As @RogerH rightly says China is capable of some astonishingly high quality engineering, but when we ask them to build to a price target they do exactly that.

The initial post was trying to establish whether or not QH and/or Delphi brake parts are STILL OE quality or whether they are now just a box brand for generic parts. I had VERY bad experience with WOLF power tools, they used to be the dogs danglies, but last time I bought one it wasn't worth the copper contained in the motor windings, it just fell apart.


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2 hours ago, RogerH said:

Brakes are quite important - honest


I'm going to stop you there... :)

But you're correct in that all our stuff is manufactured in far off places as the costs - materials and labour both - are much less, so yes, we'll go for cheaper. The biggest problem now seems to be that the parts are cheap, but in some cases, cheap rubbish. They're not even meeting basic requirements. THAT'S what we need to address, and it will have to start by telling the suppliers.

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3 hours ago, RogerH said:

China is capable of manufacturing very high quality parts for anything.

Sadly the Western suppliers ask for cheap as they think they can only sell cheap. WE are to blame not the Chinese.

If you ask for cheap and buy cheap you will only ever have cheap.  Change your habits.

Its also quite possible to ask for quality, pay for quality and get cheap - trust has to be earned. Also its not just the design and manufacturing but the quality control that is needed so that duff parts dont get to the customer....

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8 hours ago, RogerH said:




Brakes are quite important - honest



You wouldn't think so Roger..... When i had my garage a customer came in for his brakes to be checked. Checked they were and price given. He then said can you not cock them up i don't want to spend money on it.... "It's only for the wife to take the kids to school"   I kid you not, i was lost for words................


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1 minute ago, poppyman said:

You wouldn't think so Roger..... When i had my garage a customer came in for his brakes to be checked. Checked they were and price given. He then said can you not cock them up i don't want to spend money on it.... "It's only for the wife to take the kids to school"   I kid you not, i was lost for words................


They are out there    -      and they can vote



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