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How long had that been together since you last changed the gasket? It's just that the residue looks old and, while I'm sure you're far too experienced to make a total muppet mistake like I did once, failing to absolutely, scrupulously, thoroughly clean off every last minute speck of old gasket residue before reassembling... will cause loss of compression.

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its seems obvious much of the rings have not sealed and blow by marks are quite bad 

a hard block with wet and dry , a squirt of oil remove studs and flat the faces  as rob says  must be back to clean shiny  metal ,

theres poor ring marks between 1-2  and also back of 4    suggests a lack of clamping , you can do a rudimentary head check with  steel rule and feelers but dont think thats you problem

as this engine had repeat failures there is likely a stud /nut problem, cleanliness, low torque , and so on  i dont think a head skim would solve what ever is going on 

its failed because its  had no clamp grip , thats either a gasket problem or its Loose 



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11 hours ago, Nick Jones said:

What does the gasket look like?  Especially the narrow areas between cylinders 1 & 2 and 3 & 4?

Seem to be some marks in the bores?


+1... Seeing the gasket will likely show more about how and why it failed so quickly.

Also, have you run a good straight edge acrossthe head and block to see if they are flat?


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Hello all. Firstly, can I say a huge thanks for all your advice. I really appreciate it. So, due to the ongoing problems with my engine and haven spoken to Alan Gourley (TSSC South Wales) I have decided that the best thing for me to do is to pull my lump out again and give it to Bernie Littlewood (TSSC South Wales) who is our local engine guru, to completely strip it down and sort it out, as this is way past my skill levels. Thanks Bernie!

I am looking forward to posting a video of my engine running beautifully sometime soon. In the meantime, look out for my questions on how to re-fit everything else! 

Thanks again you lovely lot.


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On 28/05/2020 at 08:13, Tanky said:

Hello all. Firstly, can I say a huge thanks for all your advice. I really appreciate it. So, due to the ongoing problems with my engine and haven spoken to Alan Gourley (TSSC South Wales) I have decided that the best thing for me to do is to pull my lump out again and give it to Bernie Littlewood (TSSC South Wales) who is our local engine guru, to completely strip it down and sort it out, as this is way past my skill levels. Thanks Bernie!

I am looking forward to posting a video of my engine running beautifully sometime soon. In the meantime, look out for my questions on how to re-fit everything else! 

Thanks again you lovely lot.


I'm sure Bernard will do an excellent job. Looking forward to reading about your engine in his Courier pages.


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  • 1 month later...

Hello all, Just a quick update....So engine came back from South Wales Pistons, all shiny and new. Bernie has done a fantastic job of rebuilding the engine and it is now back in the Spit. It turns over beautifully but I'm not getting a spark to the plugs, fear not though as I haven't had time to mess about with it. I suspect I have wired up the coil incorrectly, but I will have a look this weekend. Will post a video when she is running. In the meantime, I have been getting her ready for paint....

More soon...

Cheers all


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