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Picture of Vitesse Mark 1 dash needed for comparison

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I am trying to tidy up the dash switches etc as my 1963 1600 is pretty original


I suspect the wiring has been butchered at some point because the heater doesn't work and neither do the lights behind the speedo dial and there are various other switches that perform no obvious function at present.

So I want to remove those that are not needed and put those that should be there in the right (original) place if I can.

For example it looks as though the pull out reversing light switch has been fitted where the screen wash push button started.....


I will try and get a picture of my dash posted here later for comments.... (photo now attached)



Many thanks


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A thought ,For panel lights you need to double pull the main light pull switch



Hi Pete,

yes an obvious check (when it is dark :) ), the trouble with electrics is although I don't mind working out what can be done I tend to forget what has been checked and what hasn't after a while. 

The Vitesse has had period driving lamps added and I have a switch with a live feed (which is 'live' because it sparks when I touch it) but what I don't know is whether or not it is as simple as the bulbs having gone! the bulbs are not that accessible either.....

By tracing back the wiring all seems to be good, but I don't know if the driving lamps were set to light on main beam only, or dipped, or to operate independently....


So far I have managed to get the reversing light to work, the interior light and the radio (particularly pleased with that one) but then the speaker wire decided to disconnect itself from the back of the unit :(


Today the radiator has developed a leak so I probably need to concentrate on that.... ho hum....

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driving/spot lamps are supposed to only work on main beam ( blue white wires)  and go out on dip ( blue red)


if rad has a tank seam leak you can repair it easily with a blow lamp  and solder with a strong flux..  getting it clean is the hard part 

you dont see self cleaning acid flux around these days 


Ive just fitted a Pioneer to the 2000 as wanted a stg remote,,  nightmare thing  one knob  ..........4700 functions none being what i want.....Grrr.!!!


but have soldered the header and radiator tanks when I had the Vit6



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Having investigated the radiator it seems to be leaking at the base but is probably full of crud having not been used as a daily vehicle until this spring for over 20 years. I think the fins look a bit shaky too.

Although I used it a bit last year whilst seeing what needed doing it did stand over the winter too..... 

A recore and replacing hoses is probably the best option in the long term

(rather than putting two eggs in the system as a temporary fix)


For the lamps I am inclined toward the bulbs having gone at this point in time as I agree they should (in theory) work on Main Beam (they don't!). 


The only other thing I haven't investigated yet is whether they are Fog Lamps similar to those my father's D Reg 2000 saloon had back in the day.....

I don't think they are but can't be sure as have not yet identified some of the unexplained switches fitted :)

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Whynot pop down to Hq get garth or john to have a quick overview ??


spoke to Garth yesterday on phone about radiator, saw John today as finally got around to joining as a member

(Mrs F didn't take the hint for Birthday/Christmas subscription and Miss F didn't do it for Fathers Day either.....)

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  • 1 month later...

So the radiator is fixed, but a few more electrical gremlins.... not charging :(


I have been reluctant to do this too soon but am getting around to deciding that the dash has to come out.

Before I do, are there any cautionary tales that can be shared before I do avoidable damage by pulling cables/wires too hard :)


I will refer again to my period Haynes but have found that owner experience is often more valuable/accurate.


It's a good job I only have 4 cars to keep running......

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If you withdraw the dash the choke and heater valve control cables go through grommets in the baulkhead and heater plenum ,


undoing the controls is a pig their nuts hold the ashtray assy in place

access is best avoided


fitting a multi plug where the harness passes the baulkhead aids disconection if you ever need to take the body tubs off in the future.


get some sticky plasters ready,,


and tape and marker pen to identify ....everything



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