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Overdrive Filter cleaning

Keith Scotch

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I'm replacing the gearbox/overdrive oil on my GT6 (D type overdrive). The handbook states that I should clean the overdrive oil filter which I've located behind the inspection plate. I can't work out how to remove it (the filter). I'm worried about damaging it. Does it unscrew?


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it just pulls out , there three plastic magnetic 0 ring disks on it they get very grubby and are a faf to clean off years of accumulated grot 

its easy to wash the domed gauze with petrol or brake cleaner or any degreaser

whiles all accessible have taken the opposite cover off and energised the solenoid to check the lever and its setting hole are in alignment 

easy to do while the tunnel is off ( there no oil in that side )

on refilling  use a good EP80/90 GL4 Oil ( there are others but i stick to the book) fill to the level on the gearbox righ side leve filler 

there is no separate filler or level the OD is  filled from the gearbox level 

and welcome.  I would drop back in your post and use the 3 dots to the top right to EDIT and change the title from your name to what the problem is 

you will get a better response 


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