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Bilt Hamber Rust Gel

Neil Clark

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I tend to brush over all my stripped panels with two coats of hydrate 80 just as a precaution as well as treating rusty areas after getting rid of as much rust as possible. Probably a waste of product but it does catch anything that I miss like the odd small rust pit.

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7 hours ago, Neil Clark said:

I've just been given a new tub of Halfords de-rusting gel, which is based on citric acid.  Have you tried any of their stuff?

I've no experience of the stuff at all so maybe just a possibly unfair guess but: has it gone the way of all good stuff like weedkiller, flyspray and the like by using greener more organic and therefore totally useless ingredients?

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4 hours ago, Badwolf said:

No, but I did read on some yank site about people who make their own derusting concoction out of citric acid and wallpaper paste.

Wow. I love the Yanks for their thinking out the box, simple, cheap, effective ways of doing stuff.

After great results with vinegar and lemon juice, dipping the parts for a while, I was wondering how to make a Gel solution to paint on, never thought of that.


PS. I found it worth covering any gel, with cling film to stop it drying out and leaving a while 

Edited by daverclasper
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