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Spitfire window winder replacement!


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Don't know about the Spit, but if it is the same as Herald/Vitesse it involves a lot of swearing and dropping the pin.

Have something on the floor to catch the pin and show it up so you can find it again.

On my 13/60 I just have to press hard to compress the spring and use small nose pliers to hold it. A nail or similar pushed part way in at the bottom can help. Oh, did I mention - a lot of swearing. Good luck, hope someone can be of better help

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Having had numerous Triumphs for over 50 years I've done my share of swearing fitting the pin, and around 30yrs ago realized long nose pliers weren't the answer even angled ones!

So I made a tool from a 1/2in long bit of brass tube (model makers) the inner dia being the same as the pin dia, I soldered a 6in length of steel rod into one end around 1/4in depth so the pin fits into the remaining 1/4in of the tube, this holds the pin whilst I push the spring door trim back get the winder hole and spindle in line and push the pin in part way enough to engage the spindle, remove tool leaving pin in place and then with a flat bladed screw driver push it home! The other end of the cut steel rod is used to push the pin out

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a ring of soft foam to replace the spring can work and needs less power to compress and often the spring is just not needed the door card has enough spring to 

hold the escutcheon over the pin 

always do this on grass or gravel if you want to get annoyed    ha !1

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