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Viscous coupling for fan. Spitfire 1500. UKC3532 substitutions?


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Spit 1500, late, with viscous coupling for fan.

Time to replace the VC.

But prices for the orignial UKC3532 unit seem a bit on the high side from 'big' suppliers. Would anyone happen to know whether there are any substitutions from other vehicles which are a direct fit and possibly cheaper?

Possibly not, but worth an ask!

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  • 2 months later...

I am having difficulty fitting the Viscous coupling  on to the water pump of my late Spitfire 1500. The tolerance ring does not want to crush when I try to fit the coupling. The old coupling came off will little pressure applied. Does it need a press to get it on.

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14 hours ago, Michael 81x said:

Does it need a press to get it on?

Imagine maybe you've got this sorted by now. In case not:

Yes, light to remove, firmer to replace is correct. To replace does need light pressing, not by hand alone. Doesn't/shouldn't need a hydlauic press as such but a bench vice should do it.  But , as ever, if using a vice as a low power press, careful attention that force is applied squarely and to the appropriate faces of the work.

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End of my particular part of the story is:

Fitted new coupling. From the before and after is was then visibly evident how little fan rotation was being supplied by the old unit.

Misfiring, which was the main issue in the first place, now resolved. And no creep on the temperature gauge.

Learning point: Temperature gauges may not inform much about absolute temperatures but any change over time is probably significant.

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