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colin lemmis

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  1. Hi all, I have the same problem at the moment as Dave had with his clutch not releasing and not being able to select the gears, but my Spitfire Mk3 has been laid up for the past twenty two years in an old French barn. It is now up and running and is nearly ready to take on the lovely traffic free country roads of South West France. I have done and redone all that Dave has done except cut a new slot in the slave cylinder which I must say has passed my mind as an option but what of the internal workings of the clutch system that are hidden from view, if I modify a slave cylinder to suit my Spitfire then it becomes unique to my car and all other slave cylinders would have to be modified there on. Would it not have been better to bite the bullet and see if there is anything amiss the other side of the bell housing which I think will be my next option to keep things as normal as possible. Your comments would be most welcome before I start another task..
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