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Posts posted by JonLow

  1. AHA! I do have that clip. But when I look at the parts list of all the major vendors that clip IS NOT shown on the late 1500, only on the earlier versions, as shown in your diagram above. As I have the later type column with the box type covers over the column switches, I assumed that clip was only on the earlier columns and that is why it is not shown, oddly, on the late versions. I had dug out that clip from the box of non fitted, left over items that inevitably builds up. As I had previously fitted the clamp to the column it looked obvious to me that the clip is the wrong shape to fit the outward profile of the clamp centre hole. However, with your usual excellent expert knowledge I duly took the clamp off again and was flabbergasted to find the clamp has a recess to take the clip! Clip duly fitted and column now rock solid.

    It still peeves me that all late 1500 parts diagrams and also the official 1500 Repairs Operation Manual only show the clip on the early version of the steering column!

    However, job done and I can stop thinking the world is conspiring against me. Sanity saved by the usual good advice from Colin Lindsay. Surely by now Colin you should be promoted to 6th Dan Triumphero?  Much appreciated.


  2. Full Spit 1500 rebuild. Built all the steering as best I can. Installed the steering column and there is very little play on the steering wheel which I am pleased about. But I do have sideways movement in the upper steering column brackets - the two piece, upper/lower blocks that fit around the column tube. The movement is not in the steering column upper/lower inner bushes. I replaced these, although as expected the aftermarket replacement bushes where absolutely appalling quality. How long they will last I do not know, I only just managed to stop them falling apart when installing them.

    The upper support bracket on the column definitely does not grip the column tube, I can see and feel it is loose. If I stick a very small screwdriver blade in there, the play is taken up, movement gone. I did not take the column out and I wonder is there something missing that I cannot see in the parts manuals, some sort of collar, or sleeving? 

    Anybody come across this issue before please or have any ideas? Much appreciated.



  3. Thanks everyone that has contributed so far. I have tried emailing EZ Power three times now with no responses in over a month, are they no longer trading? 

    So it seems it is definitely a goer as far as feasibility is concerned. However, got the sprayed bodyshell back from the body shop and am deeply embroiled in trying to get so many of the  aftermarket rubbish non fitting parts installed. The steering column train is now all fully in, so I think I will put the power steering issue on the back burner for now, get the car built if my sanity will stand it. Then make a decision when I try the car on the road, bit later in the summer. 

    Thanks all concerned, issue to be continued!


  4. Anybody out there bought or seen any stainless steel bumpers? How does their appearance compare with standard chromed items? Also I assume stainless is a bit softer than steel? My Spitfire 1500 front bumper has a fair dent damage, so looking for new set, eventually I hope. The usual retailers want a ridiculous price for a new standard set and rechroming is not much cheaper, so any s/steel observations please, thanks.

  5. I am about to put my Spitfire 1500 head back on the engine block, after an engine refresh. The head gasket I have is the composite type, came in a Rimmers gasket set. There seems to be a difference of thought about whether head gaskets need a bit of sealant. I have always fitted mine dry and not had any undue issues. The head and block look good by steel rule check, but as these engines have been around a bit now, some people suggest a drop of sealant to make up for any alignment issues.

    Thoughts please?


  6. Can people recommend an engine spray paint that they find actually works and is resistant to heat and under bonnet fuels and vapours please. I am looking to do this job only once, while the engine is out. I have spent ages looking for a Gloss Black spray paint on the internet and seem to get so many opposite opinions of the various ranges - ie, some products get good reviews and other people slate the product. Always seems to be the way, varying reviews, I guess for varying situations. 

    I am looking for a spray paint as I am useless getting a good finish with a brush. Over to people in Triumph land! 


  7. Thanks for the comments so far, but not sure we are talking about the same sort of heater unit. Is that a Herald/Vitesse unit shown?

    This is a Spitfire unit that I am trying to improve on a bit:

    Image result for triumph spitfire heater unit

    This shows the sort of crudded up/deteriorating rad vanes within. So thought a faster blower might recover some of the heating ability of the original unit.

    Image result for triumph spitfire heater unit


  8. Anybody out there upgraded their Spitfire HEATER MOTOR? I am wishing to put in another more powerful blower motor, as the Spitfire ones do take a bit of time to clear the windscreen, or heat the cockpit with a 40+ year old fan and rad assembly. I have read that a Nissan Micra unit could be used. But I messaged a Ebay seller offering a used Micra blower and the fan is larger diameter and a bit too deep. But maybe the fan could be swapped over. Anybody had any experience of revamping their heater unit? Thanks.

  9. Thanks all for the quick replies already. I am aware that Rimmers/Moss Europe have tinted screens on their website, but the pictures seem like the whole windscreen is a slight green tint! Is that legal, or very nice to look through?

    I remember seeing quite a few top tinted green examples back in the day, available as an optional extra. This is the sort of thing I am interested in - clear screen with a sun shade band across the top of the screen. They seemed to be known as "Sundym" versions. I have scratched around various classic companies and also current commercial suppliers with no joy, other than a quotes for a one off at prohibitive cost.

    As I am not very tall, a band like that would not be an issue for me!





  10. Thanks for replies from Nick and Karl. I did have a professional welder to assist me over the decades, but unfortunately my best mate died a few years back. Now I do not have the time, or the enthusiasm, to start to learn bodywork skills. I have now retired but the clock is running down for time to enjoy my car, so a professional restorer will be needed to get things done asap. The bodyshell, surprise surprise, has rot in the usual place, especially where the rear tie rods attach to the bodytub. The heel boards are fairly rusted through there. So I guess it will require some plates fabricated to suite to repair there.

    I know this is a fairly subjective opinion, but anybody willing to give me a heads-up as to how they have found dealing with the main parts suppliers, such as Rimmers/Moss Europe/Fidgets/Chic Doig and such like?

    Also do I recall there are door opening struts to hold the bodytub straight while off the chassis? The panel gaps are wonderful at the moment, but concerned that gaps may go out when repair panels/sills get cut out and replaced.

    Also opinions on what people think of chassis colour? My older Spits all had black chassis, but the 1500 has colour coordinated vermillion paint. Black or body colour looks best?

    Thanks for any guidance.

    Jon Low.




  11. At last found and bought back my 1979 Spitfire 1500. It has been sitting in a garage for 11 years awaiting resurrecting! The body work condition is worse than I had hoped for, but not as bad as it could have been, still savable! Usual rot in all the usual places. I do not have unlimited funds and so hope that the engine/drive train will still be usable for now, so that I can concentrate on getting the rot cut out and repaired. I have been frightened to death by some off the figures quoted by the prominent restorers, but I realise that bodywork repairs are mainly labour charges which of course are don't come cheap for a good job. I am down in Kent, but can anyone advise of whom they have used anywhere in England, plus any observations they may have. I will only be able to do this once, so any advice on not getting things wrong would be most helpful.

  12. Just an update on responses so far. Nothing new since these last posts, despite an advert with picture for the car going into the Courier, Practical Classics and Classic Car Weekly. I did also try a forum for the MOT testing stations. From there I did get one call back to explain that although I got the last MOT test number (No. 9002 3340 6317) from the DVLA website, there is no way of tracking that to an MOT test station. I was hoping to at least narrow down the area where the car was last tested at.


    Seems I will never get to find the car, quietly rusting somewhere no doubt. I am hopeful it is not broken up at, as up until 2013 SORN status had to be renewed each year, so it was being registered up until then.


    If I do not track the car soon, (£100 paid for owner/keeper contact) I will set about buying a restored 1500 for my retirement days. Knowing my luck it will turn up after I have lashed out and gone down that route!


    Thanks all anyway guys.


    Jon Low

  13. Doug, Darren, Pete, Aidan & Richard,



    Thanks for the very quick responses, much appreciated.



    I have my race Spitfire Mk2/3 in SORN for the last 6 years. But I clean forgot about SORN being renewed annually until as Doug reminds to 2013. So you now give me hope it should still be rusting away somewhere! I have in fact put a shout out in the Courier and Forum, twice with no response at all. Bit annoying really as somebody must know something surely, as the car was sold that way.



    As far as the TSSC car database, they are not in existence any more – had to deleted to the Data Protection Act. Arrgghh!



    I have managed to find the last MOT certificate number issue for the car on a DVLA web page, (https://www.check-mot.service.gov.uk). So I have also put an email message to an MOT Tester Forum requesting is it possible to trace the test station, from the last MOT certificate number. Maybe that will give an indication of the area it may be in. However, I assume the answer will be that such information is not available to me, due to - you guessed it, the Data Protection Act!


    I have also put another message in for January Courier, plus Classic Car Weekly and Practical Classics via the TSSC advert options, with a £100 bounty payable for the first information leading to it's keeper. Whether that will give an incentive for people to make a few inquiries, I don't know.



    But I am hopeful, from everybody’s responses so far, so keep up the good info guys and many thanks.

  14. I have written to the DVLA three times with V888 forms plus full explanations of my intentions, but each time I have been refused keeper details due to the Data Protection Act!!!!!


    As an example, below is the first attempt accompanying letter :-



    Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), 
    Longview Road, 
    SA6 7JL





    GLK 684T       Triumph Spitfire      1979      Red (Vermillion)


    Current DVLA vehicle status :-


    Registration   GLK 684T

    ✔ SORN

    ✗ No MOT

    Expired: 29 October 2007


    I was a previous owner of the vehicle from 10th March 1986 until sold in 1994 or 1995, (kids forced sale for a sensible saloon). All relevant documentation was passed over to the new owner. I have only the first insurance note and the original purchase receipt, copies are attached.


    I have also a few of the Triumph Sports Six Club valuation certificates if these may be of assistance. I have been a TSSC member for the last 31 years.


    We have many photographs of the car at Triumph car rallies, with my wife and I onboard. These can sent in, or copied. However, I would hope the scanned photo taken as our wedding car, ought to show the sentimental value to us of saving the car from scrappage. 


    The vehicle has apparently not been on the road since October 2007, presumably no longer fit for the road at that point. Assuming the car has been sitting in a garage, or even worse not under cover, then after more than 8 years, I am fearful that the car will be scrapped, or broken up sooner or later. Having been married in that car and travelling to many European car rallies in it, I am hoping to make contact with the current keeper to see if they still have it and if it is possibly saveable. I am due to retire in May next year and would be hopeful to have the car as a restoration project. You must appreciate the sentimental value to me of saving the car and so I do hope you will grant keeper contact details to me. This is a genuine application will no motive for causing the current keeper any problems, just hopeful to perhaps save the vehicle. I sold the vehicle to a couple who lived somewhere in the London area. The car must be lying rusting somewhere in a garage, if the car is saveable it would be nice to regain the car and use it as a retirement project.


    I enclose copies of my wife and I with the car and a current Water Rates statement as proof of our address.




    Jon Low

    12 Crescent Way



    ME5 9SY

    Tel. 01634 301122




    I am desperate to find out if the car is still around somewhere. Somebody, somewhere, must known someone who might know something! The car was sold only through the TSSC Courier magazine, bought for a lady, who brought along a Triumph repairer/garage man for a technical inspection. So surely somebody in one of the southern areas must be able to rack there brains for some sort of contact!


  15. Trying to trace my old 1500 Spitfire, GLK 684T, or if not will wish to buy a full reconditioned one in time for my retirement next year. The wife used to love the car, but now will not be able to manage the heavy steering, (compared to cars these days). 


    I have seen the odd reference to a power steering modification/fitment on our small Triumphs, but have never turned up any real information. Anyone know if this modification is possible, or have any details on this please?

  16. Trying to trace our 1979 Vermillion Spitfire 1500.  


    DVLA has it as registered as SORN, last MOT expired end of 2007, so guess it might be rusting away in a garage somewhere, hopefully not outside.


    This was a car that we were forced to sell to get a sensible saloon so we could get the kids in. This was our wedding day car and used for many Triumph events, including 6 Spitfire Weekends in Holland in the 80's and early 90's


    We sold it through the Courier magazine in about 1994, to someone in the South East. Hoping it might still be around, would make a nice restoration project for when I retire, next year. Thanks all, any contacts or leads, please call :-


    Jon Low (Kent)

    Tel.   01634 301122

    Text  07525 705925

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