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Pietje precies

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    Spitfire 1500 from 1979

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  1. After 2 rides (1 of 250 km and one of 140 km) the Spit engine ran fine. After 2 weaks no fuel leakage and also no smell of gas anymore. This winter I think to do a basic adjustment of the carbs as written in the manuals. Thank you all and much fun with your Triumph. Piet
  2. Pete I agree with your technical explanation. Never adjust the idle screw when the engine runs fine. But after having adjusted the front idle screw the is no fuel lekakage present anymore. Maybe that some vibrations caused the idle screw to turn into the lower/wrong position. Let's wait and see what happens. Lats weekend we had a ride with the Spitfire and I noticed no direct negative at the engine. It ran as usual ( I think) Piet
  3. Yesterday I took some time for the Spitfire. I measured a difference of 2 mm in the adjustment of the idle screws. Maybe this causes the fuel leakage. I tuned the front idle screw upward until the same adjustment of the rear carburator idle screw. After having started the engine en kept it running until the temp meter was rising and then I stopped the engine. There was some fuel smell in the garage. This morning this was not present anymore. Is this THE solution ??
  4. The O-rings have been replaced last year. That part and the hoose are dry. The leakage comes from above the screws for needles adjust.
  5. Today I saw that the front float chamber is almost empty (1cm fuel left) The rear float chamber is filled normally. So I think that the problem is in the carburetor. There should be a leakage at the front jet or something like that.
  6. Thanks for the answers. Although I am very busy now (painting the whole house at in- and outside) I will take a look at the float chamber first. Piet
  7. OK I understand it. Bit how can I solve it? By turning the idle screw up? I do not like adjusting the carburetor, because the enigine runs well now. Piet (pronounce like Pete)
  8. Hello there Each time after driving a tour there is a leakage under the front carburetor. The rear carburetor remains dry. We leave the car outside the garage for some hours and after that we push the car inside. We do not start the engine The next morning the air in the garage is filled with fuel damp. The doors of the garage in front and rear are set open all day. After two days the smell of fuel is low. The stops in the top of the float chamber are renewed and the hoses from float chamber to carburetor too. The leakege comes from above the nozzle adjust nut. What can cause this leakage ?
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