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Triumph Herald 13/60 -70 Convertible body dimension ask

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Hello everybody!
First: Sorry for the unclear English translation ...: ((

I have a project in Finland.
Triumph Herald 13/60 Convertible (not original) 1970.

In Finland, the new rare Herald Convertible was too expensive to buy in the 1970s.
Then a self-made Convertible sedan model.
Is not very beauty. Horrible :-((.
Chassis model DL. (Sedan)

I would like to do respectfully, the Herald’s original Convertible outfit. Original beauty :-)!

The picture is not my Herald, it's just to clarify the issue.
Finland can not find parts for Herald.

I have found the dimensions but the precision is missing https://www.uniquecarsandparts.com.au/triumph_herald_13_60_specifications

Good day!
Regards Tuomo Finland

Triumph convertible org.png

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