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Posts posted by blubayou

  1. Well got the spring fitted last night. Lowered to the ground, pushed car back & forth... It was awful.

    Sitting high but with around 2deg Positive camber, like a maladjusted Herald.

    This morning I was ready to take it off again, but decided to run it around the block to see if it would settle.

    Success! Looks good, sits an inch higher (approx 24" arch to floor, was just short of 23") and just over 1deg Negative camber


  2. Just fitted these Delrin buttons today. The new Delrin buttons did not fit at all, I had to file a chamfer on the top of each to get them flush to the metalwork. 

    Hell of a job as getting the bundle back into the spring box is very very difficult. Had to release the fixed spring to get it all clamped up. Also had to glue the buttons in place to aid assembly.

    The longest leaf appeared to have no dimples to fit the buttons, but it does they were bunged up with the remains of the original rubber buttons.






  3. Thanks all, some good ideas.

    In the short term I've ordered some of those Delrin buttons off ebay. I shall fit them and report back. I can definitely advise NOT to use the Bastuck items, my tap washers were far cheaper, fitted well and at least equally as good

    Really I could do with a replacement spring with a more pronounced arch but have yet to hear a good report on any modern replacement spring.

    I was considering heating the two lower leaves near the ends and bending them a little lower. Anyone done this? 



  4. Hi all,

    20 years ago when I restored my MK4 Spitfire, I fitted the neat bonnet badge but left off the rear side badges, mainly because they required holes drilled in my new wings.

    I also left off the British Leyland badges on the bonnet sides as they were a reminder of Marinas, 1100s & all things poor quality.

    All these years on, these old cars gain more respect with every new battery operated car produced.

    What are peoples feelings? Few seem to fit them.


  5. Many years ago I had the Phoenix 4-2-1 manifold on a Mk1V Spitfire. It was a bugger to fit and the joints leaked. I took it off & sold it.

    I now have a club Bell manifold. It was easy to fit, is made in one piece so doesn't leak and also liberates more power top end.

    Both with a home brew exhaust using just a single Phoenix rear straight through silencer, not too noisy, sounds great when you want it to.

  6. I fitted a genuine Mk3 cam to my Spitfire which needed the bearings as it has a 13/60 GE block.

    I used the old GE cam as a drift to fit the bearings.

    Worked perfectly, just check the oil holes line up well.

    Would the 6 cylinder be any different? Could be worth a try. If the cam failed to drop into place after fitting the bearings it would point to issues....

  7. Hi all,

    Following the failed fitment of an old Herald full width radiator I have just bought a modern full width replacement from 'accparts' on ebay. I almost bought it last week but ummed & ahhed like you do. They then offered me a 5% discount so it was mine for £142 delivered. 

    Incidentally I bought this as opposed to the trendy alluminium ones as it looks more traditional.

    Fitment however is a little fraught. The rad fouls the nut on the intake support bracket so this needs removing first. Mounting height - I wanted to fit it as high as possible for a good head of water - I have had to fit it as low as possible, the rad itself is well clear but the cap now clears by about 1/2". The bottom hose fits just in terms of length, alignment is good. The top hose alignment is pretty dreadful but does go on.

    Anyway it's all in and working. I have a spare top hose in the boot for when the old one splits......



  8. I've used classic spindly rusty 1960's style ramps both front & rear on my Mk4 for many years with no issues.

    They are quick to set up inspire much more confidence than axle stands.

    I remember my Morris Marina sliding sideways on axle stands, not an experience I'd like to repeat.....


  9. I had this a while ago on my Spitfire, occasionally misfiring under load or cutting out. Checked all sorts & got nowhere.

    Whilst fiddling with the key it suddenly showed up.

    Changed the ignition switch and all has been fine since.

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