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Everything posted by Bern

  1. Peter and ALL We send form back to owner and Tell the owner if its not a panel member then its not an AGREED Value so the Club can't get involved if theres a problem. A In reality we have taken your money to do a Insurance Valuation. If a NON Panel member insurance company then ask if they will accept the TSSC Valuation. In practice yhey normally say yes and treat it as a Self Condition Value and in the event of a claim they Send out an assessor as normal as its NOT AGREED VALUE Unless you have Agreement by TSSC AND Insurance Company It is the OWNERS Responsibility to send form to a NON Panel Member Insurance Co the Club won't as its not Agreed Value.
  2. Hi all The email address for Valuations is actually courier@tssc.org.uk as it states on the form. the Info address can't handle this and as it's me doing the Valuations you can save time and me a lot of problems with the Pics. This will help me to help you Many thanks Bernard TSSC Valuations
  3. On Each CD Courier Archive there is a copy of the Courier Technical Directory (unlike the Mag issues themselves THESE are Searchable as follows) Launch the Tecnical Directory 1980 to 2005 in Adobe Acrobat. On Later Update Disks there is an updated Directory and finally an Index. In the Acrobat Top Panel there is a FIND Box Type in this Box the Technical Subject you are interested in (Say "Tuning") then press enter. This will search the Directory for any instance of the Word "Tuning". KEEP Pressing Enter and it will Keep finding the NEXT instance or article on Tuning Make a Note of the Page Number, Month, Year and Issue Number so you can Find that specific issue on all of the archive CDs IE (13/60 Tuning ........ P32 Jun 96 No. 192) .This is Not Laborious and is fact quite Quick to find a subject you want try typing a specific like "Hood Fitting" So The Mag Archive IS Searchable on the CD and you also have access to ALL Couriers immediately to hand. Hope this helps Bern Courier Ed
  4. Bern

    Silverstone Classic

    See Page 58 March Courier Advert. The Official Club Booking Code for Early Bird Savings is C1525008. Tickets & Info at www.silverstoneclassic.com
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