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About BenWW

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    West Midlands
  • Cars Owned
    GT6 MK3

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  1. Thanks Gully. All flushed through. Still running hot so got the fan to kick in earlier. Need to start going through the list of possibilities now. All fun and games. 😄
  2. I was going to buy this but worried that it has the chemicals in associated with modern metals rather than the version required for 'Classic Cars' Dammit.
  3. I decided to buy Bluecol in the end
  4. Hi Gully, Are you referring to page 109?
  5. Could have been more... https://www.radtec.co.uk/shop/makes/triumph/gt6/gt6-radiator/ benefit is these guys are local but still.. 😐
  6. Thanks Gully. Here the heater matrix can be an issue. Will need to look that up in the manual, not sure I'd know that part.
  7. Yep, completely valid point. Probably best I tick one thing off at a time. Give it a good flush through and see how she gets on.
  8. Thanks Johny, sorry I missed this the first time. I'll be sure to take a good luck. If it doesn't look too great and no change after the coolant change I'll look to recore it.
  9. Thanks Doug, sounds like great advice. I may have to move the car to an access with water to flush through properly then. I was just thinking if changing the thermostat at the same time to rule that out. I'm guessing it isn't too much of an issue to change later on with new coolant in. I haven't changed it in two and I don't honestly know when it was done before albiet it has been looked after so very well so unlikely to be much before.
  10. Thanks Colin. Any other common faults which could lead to the overheating or do you think this is a good place to start?
  11. Hi all, So my GT6 on the last few runs has been running hot. Starting with the basics I thought I would drain, flush and replace the coolant as it's one thing I can't guarantee has been done for a while. I was going to replace the thermostat whilst I was at it. I know there is a tendency for the block to gunk up and sighted the drain hole for that. Question is, can I drain most of the fluid from the radiator with the drain plug (cap off) as I know what will happen if I pull free the main hose from the base of the radiator.. I'll end up with it all over the bay. I was going to drain down as much as I could, add the deionised water, then the powerflush, top up with water and run for 10 minutes. Then drain down again and refill with new bluecool. Am I missing anything? Ben
  12. Thanks Pete. Really informative. It's a shame there isn't a unit that you can charge which then acts as a cordless trickle charger, then going up as you say every month when rolling it taking the charger home and recharging that. Guess it's a perfect solution to a seldom problem such as mine. Thanks again!
  13. Thanks David. I think that may be my best option and put it on a trickle charger at home instead when I suspect it will be say for a while. I saw a previous thread that intimated 063 batteries are the preferred type. My current battery has no markings on it whatsoever (unless on the bottom). Was looking at the Lion (cheap ans cheerful I suspect) - https://www.eurocarparts.com/p/lion-063-car-battery-3-year-guarantee-444770631 And the Bosch (which I suspect will perform better, hold charge longer etc) - https://www.eurocarparts.com/p/bosch-s4-car-battery-063-4-year-guarantee-444770637 Both batteries on the smaller capacity so when using more frequently I can be happy that the shortish runs i do are keeping it topped up.
  14. Morning all, I committed a cardinal sin, as a newbie classic owner, I failed to look after my battery. I came to my GT6 after many months if it being cooped up in the garage (no electric supply) without being taken on a run to find it was as dead as a dodo.. not a thing on a turn of the key. Then it got me thinking, what is the best way to look after your battery from your opinions? I now need to replace my battery. I have always been a fan of the big brands, Bosch etc. On other threads there are difference of opinion on size. I have a MK3 GT6 if this makes any difference. In the good weather I get out in it plenty but then it can sit a while. I tend to do hour long runs when out and about so should be good enough to keep a small battery charged up but then a large battery would hold a charge longer.. decisions decisions. What chargers / conditioners are recommended bearing in mind I can't charge the battery in trickle whilst it's in the garage? Thanks all and it really is great to be thinking of getting out in the car again! Ben
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