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Everything posted by Froc

  1. I found this thread in the nick of time! I recently got a nice Vitesse with a j overdrive, and had exactly the same symptoms Freyasgrandad described. I had assumed it was something awry with the pressure relief valve, or an electrical fault. I took the trans cover off yesterday, to see if I could find anything obviously wrong. Wiring fine, so I topped up with Ep90 while I was down there. The gearbox took 1.2 litres before it was full! (I think the capacity is around 1.3l?). Overdrive fine now, and no leaks so far. A lucky escape ????
  2. Froc

    Triumph Jewellery?

    Hi Colin. Great minds.. ???? I saw that Gold Herald too. I also found this silver (herald?) convertible, but it looks a bit down at heel: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/238988370/reduced-sale-rare-vintage-silver-triumph?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=triumph&ref=sr_gallery_2 -I look forward to reading your article. If there is a big enough gap in the market, maybe the Club Shop might consider getting some made up? Thanks for getting back to me. Cheers Froc
  3. Hi all, A bit random I know. Are there any companies out there that make Triumph car silver charms? I'd like to buy a vitesse one for my wife's charm bracelet. I've seen a pewter Vitesse on Ebay, but really after silver. Any ideas? Cheers Froc
  4. Thanks Gary. Didn't want to apply too much force without checking first. Will apply a bit more persuasion tomorrow. Thanks again Froc
  5. Thanks Gary. This is stuck fast, and I didnt want to force it for fear of damage. Will apply some persuasion tomorrow. Thanks again Froc
  6. Hi all. I am attempting to remove the rear seat backrest, to get access to fit belts. I've removed the side fixings, and the 6 press stud screws across the top,but it still feels fixed at the top. Are these bonded onto the metal frame, or is there a screw or two still to release? Many thanks.
  7. Thanks for the advice all. Really grateful
  8. Hello all. I have a Vitesse mk2 convertible, and would like to fit lap belts for the rear seats. I would be grateful for any advice or pics regarding where to weld in the seat belt attachment points. Many thanks Froc
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