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Everything posted by Paula

  1. Looks like we have a winner!
  2. I had no idea. That's good to know!
  3. The van does have a tow bar. I thought that was optimistic!
  4. What's the worse that can happen!!
  5. If it's this then i guess it's just a matter of which is which!
  6. I'm enjoying the carpentry. Missing the simplicity of the vitesse though. There is a guy in the owners club that recommended that dizzy. He can't remember what he did though. I'll try and get more info.
  7. Yes. Just one wire going into the loom
  8. It's a wonderful ebay special. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/264648898859
  9. I only went and did it! I think i've done ok. It was running ok, just a little underpowered. After a 150 mile trip back down south everything is running lovely! Italian tune up does it again! I've bought an electronic distributer as I couldn't get hold of any caps rotors or points. It's come with a plug on though so i'm confused on how to fit it. The interior is coming on lovely though! Hopefully get some camping in this summer (if it ever arrives)
  10. Yeah. Exactly. I know a guy that is importing Peugeot J7/J9 vans and selling them as catering vans. ££££££££££
  11. I put a £4500 bid in and was outbid. The MOT history was really good. looks like a restoration in 2010 and sailed through every MOT after that. Goes to show MOT's are probably more important than ever with the history being accessible by anyone.
  12. I've decided to avoid anything without a good MOT and i'm looking at MOT history too. It's a wonderful thing to be able to do!
  13. There’s also this one. Looks very nice. it’ll probably go for too much though https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/274773567781
  14. I’m going to have to! There’s nothing in it
  15. Not exactly what i'm going for.
  16. This time next year Rodney!
  17. That’s bigger than my flat!
  18. I’ve found one I can afford! https://www.carandclassic.co.uk/car/C1320628
  19. One of the problems with the price of classic campers is people turning them into coffee and food vans.
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