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Spitfire Mk 3 dash top renewal/refurb


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Mike 


Im doing the same thing on my Mk2 and have been doing a lot of research on this. I haven't gone down the plastic overlay route because Ive yet to find anyone who's been truly happy with one. Cant specifically comment on the Rimmer one.


So, having eventually worked out how to get the s*(%ing thing off, (long story) Ive filled the cracks with Gorilla Glue which foams up quite nicely with a touch of water mist, is as strong as hell, and any excess can be trimmed and sanded smooth quite easily if you don't leave it too long. Pretty pleased with the result, its strong straight and smooth. Other building type spray foams may work but all the ones I experimented with didn't have the control, strength or rigidity. At your own risk  of course, I'd recommend doing a few tests first to see if it works for you..


Following advice from another forum I'll be going down the Park Lane route as well. Some suggest a layer of 1/8 inch foam under the vinyl  but my original has come up so well now I'm hoping to avoid that and its extra thickness, and still get a smooth result.

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