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Going to France.


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Can anyone please advise on the fitment of headlamp deflectors as I’m confused.

My Vitesse is fitted with sealed beam units.

Do I need to fit deflectors to all 4 headlamps?

 If so, roughly what position on the lens should they be fitted?

The ones I have purchased are EUROLITES.

Many thanks.


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Hi JohnD.

A full list of fitting instructions came with the EUROLITES kit for thousands of cars but older models weren’t covered. I have managed to whittle it down to 150A,B,or C  .Just not 100% sure which position on the lens to place the stickers.

I’m thinking about 7 ‘o’clock as you look at the light from the front of the car.

Thank you for your help.


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Id wait till its dark and then shine the dip beam lights on a wall so youll see a raised portion of the beam on the nearside. Then put your hand or a bit of card over the headlight and adjust it until you get a flatter pattern. This is then the position the deflectors need to go.... 

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The first one is simple - you only need them on headlights that illuminate when you're on dipped beam.  If that's just 2 or all 4 will depend how you have them wired on your car (which may, or may not be how they were wired when they left the factory).

The difference between dipped and full bean is that full beam just throws light everywhere out infront of you to give you the best view, which would include into the eyes of drivers coming the other way.  Dipped beam still throws light out low and, in the UK to the left so you see the road directly ahead and your edge of the road but doesn't throw as much where cars going the other are going to be.  Which is all great in the UK, driving on the left but when you hit France and start driving on the right you're dipped beams are now shining most of their light directly into the path of oncoming traffic - hence the need for deflectors.

But all that said do you actually expect to drive in the dark while you're in France?  If you don't I'd leave the deflectors in the glovebox.  If you end up needing them, you can fit them.  If you get stopped by the fuzz and they comment on them you can show you have them and go all appolgetic about how you'd forgotten to fit them.  But I'd also be amazed if your un-deflected sealed beam headlights throw as much light into oncomming driver's eyes than the LEDed modern blinding you in your read and side view mirrors!

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1 hour ago, johny said:

Enjoy the trip! Nothing like cruising through foreign lands with the car youve fettled running like a dream👍

You are right ! This is our first experience of doing so and am really pleased with the Vitesse. We’ve covered about 400 miles and arrived at Ile de Noirmoutier safely. Absolutely brilliant 👍

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45 minutes ago, JohnD said:

The French are rather 'blasé' about classic cars.

It's the Italians who go bananas!  

As we boarded the ferry we parked near an Italian driving a 1970s rally prepared Alfa Romeo he tooted and waved during boarding. As we disembarked, a motorcyclist commented on the car and was a club member that owned a GT6. 
Along the way we had several waves and interest from general public. 
Had a “salute from a French guy coming in the opposite direction driving an old Citroen DS. 
Finally parked up at a remote destination to be greeted by a French guy that owns a TR3 and a Lotus Europa.  
Remind me not to go to Italy as this has been more than an eventful day in my world.👍

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