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Weber compatibility question


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I have inherited a set of triple Webers reputed to come of a TR6 complete with manifold, throttle linkages and even the electric fuel pump and regulator. All assembled and obviously straight off a running car judging by the patina and accumulated debris etc. albeit not for some time.


However, and to the point, two are 40 DCOE 18's and one a 40 DCOE 35. This doesn't seem ideal but I can only assume they were all working together to some degree in the past.


Can anyone shine any light on the relative compatibility of these carbs before I embark on a search for a type 18 to even the set and start spending my money.


I have a fully refreshed 2.5s engine for a project Vitesse with head pt no. 218225 and cam pt no. 308778, the only tuning at present is a 6-3-1 tubular exhaust system.





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It is desirable that they are the same from the point of view of balancing. But I would question the benefits of fitting Webers to an engine that is pretty much standard. The most startling difference you will notice between a triple weber set up and a pair of 1.75 inch SUs is the  fuel consumption. Just my opinion mind.

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Thanks for the swift reply John.


It really is my intension to fit the SU's to this particular engine but the acquisition of the Webers has revitalised another little gem of a previously shelved project and I just wondered if the two carbs were sufficiently similar to work ok.


I like Webers and have a pair of rare 42 DCOE's on my TR4 which is warmed up somewhat for the road and is a delight, They are thirsty too, especially when driven with enthusiasam !


It goes against the grain to have one odd man out but if they do work well together, if only temporarily, it will help reduce costs at least until I can come across an exact match so any info on them would be greatly appreciated.



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 The most startling difference you will notice between a triple weber set up and a pair of 1.75 inch SUs is the  fuel consumption. Just my opinion mind.



LOL very true!! I messed about with various carbs on Heralds over the years and all I ever found was that they ran very rich with no other appreciable difference in running; of course I didn't upgrade anything else (same standard cam for one thing) but in the end I decided the original setup was best in my case. Someday I'll explore the full potential, but that'll have to wait until I get a garage... 

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John is quite correct, Webers, especially triples, belong on tuned engines to release their full potential and they will be thirsty. I did wonder if the choices made on cam and head on my 2.5S engine may just qualify it to benefit from the Webers  but I have little experience with the 6 pot engines, and was being guided by the now sadly late Clive Manvers.


I toured Northern Italy in my 4 back in 2006 and driving modestly and sticking to the limits on the motorways on long runs I managed to stretch the MPG to 30, but getting exuberant up and down the wiggly bits then just forget it, but such fun.


The only vehicle I have driven in (semi) standard form with a single Weber was a CF SWB camper converted from a 1.8cc low compression van. It was dreadful to drive, and having to change down to third on the A412 (A45 as was then) from Cambridge up the long gentle incline approaching the three lane section at Newmarket was the last straw. So in went a 2.2 cc HC lump from a Ventora I believe with a new Weber the flavour of which eludes me, but the effects were dramatic and along with the van gearing, the surprised looks on the faces of drivers who thought they'd get the better of me at the lights was priceless.



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