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ANG Herald/Vitesse Interior Door Handles

A TR7 16V

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Had another inside door handle brake on the Herald the other day. And while I turned it round 90 degrees to use the other set of holes, I found I didn't like it that way. So I bought a pair off eBay from ANG.

But the odd thing I did note is that they sell them with and without the plastic escutcheons, with the ones without being a few pence more expensive than the ones with. So I bought the ones with.

Interestingly, I did need the escutcheons, as the outside diameter of the bit of the new handle that goes through and the hole in the escutcheon is 16.25mm, where the old ones were 15mm.  Hence, the new handles don't fit in the old escutcheons. Moreover, I reckon that if you file the holes out to take the new handles, the walls of the old escutcheons will a bit thin to hold the pin through the handle and drive shaft. I assume filing the new handles down to fit the old escutcheons is a bad idea: too much work and may weaken them.

I mention all that in case ANG spot the error and drop the price on the ones without or up that for the ones with escutcheons.

The other small problem I had was that one of the holes the pin should go through was a bit too small and I could get it through. The thing was that I hadn't checked the pin in the holes in the handle first, and trying to get it to fit in situ when the hole was too small was more than a bit annoying: it's a fiddly job in the first place and that problem caused a certain amount of blue air. I could have gone and got a drill, but as the pin went through the other way far enough to hold, narrow end of the pin into the driveshaft side of the smaller of the two holes, I just did that.

Anyway, with the new escutcheons and the pin in the way it fits, they seem fine – a slightly tight fit on the square shaft, but I don't see that as a bad thing. 


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