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Everything posted by GFL

  1. I could ask the owner to get it M.O.T. tested and say I'll pay I suppose. Then if it does fail on anything (Probably likely) I could use it as a bargaining tool to get the price reduced? I need to have a look underneath at the Chassis and floor pans, just because it's a low mileage car (47K) doesn't mean it's not rusty underneath. I'll keep you all posted how I get on Gary
  2. I'm taking a mate with me to view and he's going to see if he's insured to drive any other car via his policy, I cancelled my Classic Car insurance with Lancaster when I sold my Sunbeam back in July, I have a company car so that is insured via work. The lack of recent M.O.T. testing puts me off the car, I know if I do make an offer on it and buy it, I will get it M.O.T. tested and this could open up a potential can of worms with extra costs to get it to pass! I need to make sure there are no serious rust issues underneath that will cause it to fail, I was tempted to offer to pay the current owner the M.O.T. test fee and get him to get it done before I make an offer? Gary
  3. I just wondered how many of you currently get your Classic M.O.T. Tested still? I know it's not been required since 2018 (I believe?) I used to get mine done every year for peace of mind and also as a bargaining tool should I have ever been involved in an Accident. I'm going to view (For the second time) a nice low mileage/low previous owners (3) Vitesse Mk2 Convertible at the weekend, the cars not been used for a couple of years but is currently taxed, the elderly owner is unable to drive it anymore however due to health issues and is unable to take me for a test drive. The car was last M.O.T. tested in 2018 and the M.O.T. History prior to this is not good to read with mention of corrosion to the outriggers, Main Chassis and floor, I'm going to take a trolley jack, a couple of Axle Stands and a powerful head torch so I can have a good look underneath for rust I also want to test drive the car so will probably arrange for 1 day insurance, I just hope it is safe and road worthy, the owner states it did have recent work on the brakes. Regards Gary
  4. Another reason I tilted the front bulkhead slightly was to stop the door Quarterlights catching the 'A' Posts, you may have similar issues when you re-fit the doors? Tilting forwards gives you a bit more adjustment on the doors to prevent catching Gary
  5. These Body Build notes are worth a read and might help? Getting a decent Bonnet fit can be a nightmare and compromises may have to be made I'm afraid if the bonnets had extensive repairs I made slightly longer hinge plates out of Stainless steel when rebuilding my old Vitesse, I also tilted the front bulkhead forwards using additional spacer washers under the rear most front bulkhead body mounts, it definitely helped. Keep at it. Gary Triumph Service Training Notes Herald Body.pdf
  6. Colin Yes, I agree, it looks very straight and the mileage of 27K Looks genuine, it appears to have sold already too. I continue to search for a similar condition/mileage Vitesse, hopefully a few more will appear for sale over the next couple of months, I live in hope. Gary
  7. Just spotted this beauty on E-Bay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/186235484701?hash=item2b5c7ffa1d:g:lxUAAOSw8kBllRnC Oh how I wish for a similar mileage/condition Vitesse🫣 Gary
  8. Could this be made to fit? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiQuMed-r6DAxW7gv0HHVVVD2YQFnoECBQQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftameson.co.uk%2Fproducts%2Ff278k-1-2inch-tee-push-in-fitting-pbt-nbr&usg=AOvVaw2ARk_ZowLLKswte48KD3Wb&opi=89978449 Gary
  9. I wondered if it may be too long? You can get rubber Tee pieces for Pond Water Systems but I don't think they go as small as 1/2" ID Regards Gary
  10. I'm not sure if you have enough room for this, but could you fit this 'T' piece meant for the breather pipes (1/2" ID) on a late Spitfire. You might just have enough room to fit it with 2 shorts sections of 1/2" ID Rubber Pipe Regards Gary
  11. I believe this one may be owned by a Guy who lives in the Lincoln area, I'm sure he purchased some original 4.5J rims and 155/80 Tyres off me for it about 8 or 9 years ago. I can't remember his name though😔 PS - It looks like someone is still using it, it's currently taxed Vehicle Tax and MOT status results BHS 443J ✓ TaxedVehicle BHS443J is Taxed Tax due: 1 July 2024 MOT
  12. Hi Tom No unfortunately not, I will message you the reasons why. Regards
  13. That sounds like they may be plated copper busbar and the plating is failing. Some thicker copper busbar and M10 Brass Nuts/Bolts/Washers between the Battery clamp and the centre connection should make a good electrical connection, make sure the connection to the existing plate is cleaned up and all the bolts are tight, that should do it. As John suggests you can get conductive grease but if all the connections are clean and tight, then you coat the bolt/busbar connection with Vaseline that should last. Regards Gary
  14. Presumably the problem is that the bolted connections gets corroded and then provide a high resistance? What your suggesting should work, alternatively, a short length of Copper Busbar as used in electrical panels (suitably rated) with new Brass bolts/nuts/washers would work too. Do you know if the plates are steel or Copper coated with something? Gary
  15. For anyone interested this car is now for sale at a dealer https://www.robinlawton.com/cars/1969-triumph-vitesse-2-litre-mark-2-convertible?page=vintage-classic-cars-for-sale&pg=1 Shame there's no overdrive as it doesn't seem too expensive for a dealer Gary
  16. I've finally got my letter published in Classic Car Weekly😊 I will see if we get any response from the CCW readers on Identifying the car and keep you all posted. Gary
  17. Martyn I'm ok thanks, hope you are too, alas this is no longer allowed. Yes, a previous owner of my Old Vitesse had done the same in the late 1990's, although some of the Photocopies were very poor quality and hard to read, I did write to the first owner but got a reply back from the current occupants stating they no longer lived at that address. Regards Gary
  18. Martyn You can't do this any more due to Data Protection, they wouldn't let me trace previous owners of my last classic for this reason when I tried🙁 Gary
  19. I wondered if anyone knows any history on this car? I'm considering purchasing it but I'm put off by a couple of things, one is the lack of any history prior to 2001 and no Over-drive fitted I'm looking to get another Vitesse as a keeper and would prefer a one owner (Are there any left?) or long term ownership original spec car The other option is a fully restored car, which this was during the early Noughties to an excellent standard by the looks of it, the car is in very good condition still bar a few issues with the doors and some other minor points with the interior If you do a search on the Registration number it looks like it won car of the show at the 2009 Saltburn Classic vehicle show. Can anyone add to the above with regards to its history Gary
  20. This query's been discussed before on here, does this help? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiI9MKvzOSCAxWZQUEAHXuTCBwQrAIoAHoECBoQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fforum.tssc.org.uk%2Ftopic%2F5267-rotoflex-gt6-mk3-radius-arms%2F&usg=AOvVaw2QufrTIw4OsCp86wvxiEXA&opi=89978449 Regards Gary
  21. Sounds like a faulty Alternator? Have you got a Multi-meter to test voltages at the Battery.
  22. Ian That sounds like an excellent idea, I subscribe to Classic Car Weekly, I will forward the Photo on to the Editor and see if they can get a response off their readers? Gary
  23. The post I put on Facebook about this car is still running with over 700 comments! No one seems to know, the favourite to me would be some sort of late 50's, early 60's kit car to suit an old Ford Pops chassis and running gear. I will keep checking, but don't expect a definitive answer. Gary
  24. I've put the photo up on a Facebook Forum for old British Cars and stirred up a Hornets Nest! Someone recently made a replica of it calling it a Sunbeam Tiger TS4 Prototype with the actual Picture shown in the background Here's the link https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com%2FTigerTS4%2F&psig=AOvVaw08VuvwFAi7x8RZx8V1QfrO&ust=1699002421053000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CBEQjRxqFwoTCNjctKz7pIIDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE and a photo Gary
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