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Everything posted by Paula

  1. Fitted. I think it looks nice there. Bloody thing is a bit temperamental, but hopefully now it’s in it will keep running. I might take the green filter out of it too.
  2. So to sum up. The clock works now on negative earth after a brief shock on positive earth, and you can get free cigars on this forum too! Love it.
  3. Message me your address i'll find out the postage cost. I should be able to post them with a printed label from home.
  4. I can pop them in the post if you'd like them?
  5. It's now working with the negative terminal connected to the negative terminal of the battery. So Neg Earth.
  6. They are from Cuba about 3 weeks ago. They are from a village that uses a 100% natural process no preservatives. Apparently they only last a month and that's pretty much up! A friend was taking them to Spain but obviously that's not happening now. They do look very dry though. I'm dubious. Free to a good home
  7. Oh well we're on the subject of things in cupboards. Does anyone smoke cigars?
  8. There's always this. No idea what it is, but If things get really bad.......
  9. It's sounding a lot happier now. I think it had just been sitting for a long time and we shocked it back into life.
  10. It's now wired Neg Earth. And working. I think i know how transistors work. Like tiny relays??? I'll do some reading
  11. It does have a nice. 'i'm just about to stop' sound to it
  12. Ok. This is weird.I tried it Neg Earth and nothing. Then I tried it back the other way and it does! It's witchcraft I tells thee!
  13. I bought a cheap clock from an Allegro on ebay and I don't think it's working. (apparently it was when it was removed). I have wired it up like the picture. That's correct isn't it?
  14. It's to convert the grinder thread to a spike for the mops. I don't use it anymore as the mops will screw straight onto the shaft now. The leather has given enough.
  15. I bought an old polisher grinder off ebay and did it up.
  16. I used sealant on the cover side and nothing on the engine side. Hopefully that shouldn't leak. The tappets all needed a little adjustment. None of them much at all, but the engine sounds and runs lovely. I'm sure I can hear the difference. As for the polishing I think it went really well. personal preference I suppose. I used some turtle wax and then a smear of oil at the end. Hopefully that will stop the rust. It was quite pitted in areas, so it has what i'm going to call an honest finish. 😁
  17. Lovely. looking forward to it. I’ll let you know how it goes
  18. I think it will look good polished and not chromed.
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