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Everything posted by Paula

  1. Ahhh 13! Lovely. thank you! ill have a fiddle with both methods. It’s running fine. I’m just going crazy indoors!
  2. Hello. Well what a horrible time! I need a distraction. I'm going to set my valve clearances. The manual says 0.01 or .25mm. Is that still true with modern fuel? Should i do it warm or cold? Also is there a clever way to do a 6? I've only ever done a 4 before. That was an add up to 9 thing. I'm also going to replace the cork gasket. Would you guys use sealant on one side? I didn't last time and I think it would have been easier to use some (and I saw Edd China using some). Annnnnnd finally. I was thinking of stripping and polishing the rocker cover. Has anyone tried that? I'm guessing it will rust without some coating. Hope you are all well!
  3. Paula

    Bag of Sand.

    That’s brilliant!
  4. Paula

    Bag of Sand.

    I like the price!
  5. Paula

    Bag of Sand.

    Sounds exactly like the sort of thing that would happen to me!
  6. Paula

    Bag of Sand.

    Dammit! Now I’ll never use up that PVA! Good to know!
  7. Paula

    Bag of Sand.

    Interesting idea. I do have a 5ltr thing of PVA. I forget why!
  8. Paula

    Bag of Sand.

    That stuff looks perfect. Do you think it will seal over small cracks? I suppose i could build up layers
  9. Paula

    Bag of Sand.

    It took me awhile but i managed to to get up to Moordale Motors in Potters Bar. I was visiting a friend nearby so i chose them. They said to do the work properly would cost at least £3000. It sounded like it would probably cost more after they had removed the roof and seen what's underneath. So i'll be putting that on hold for the foreseeable future. Good to get an actual figure I suppose. I was thinking of squirting some of this up inside the boot into top of the rear wings. Up into the fins basically. I've already glooped it up quite a lot with fibreglass stuff, I just thought this might seal up the bits i've missed. Terrible idea?
  10. Good to know, i'm going to stick these on ebay. My carbs are still on the car. This was more of a fact finding mission.
  11. I have! They look better in the flesh. I'll probably give them a bit of a polish to finish them off.
  12. Paula

    Bag of Sand.

    Everyone around Pete’s! BYOP
  13. Paula

    Bag of Sand.

    Yes! Being a can of Triumph 19
  14. Paula

    Bag of Sand.

    You were right all along!
  15. Paula

    Bag of Sand.

    That would be the best case. I hope so. Then what do I spend the money on???!
  16. Paula

    Bag of Sand.

    Here's some more "Before" Photos. Avec Gloop There is no after.
  17. Paula

    Bag of Sand.

    If only he was closer!
  18. Paula

    Bag of Sand.

    That's good news.
  19. Paula

    Bag of Sand.

    I did the gloopy option a couple of years ago. I did use fibreglass and some black sticky stuff that ruined my lovely red overalls! I think it's beyond that now. It's just in such a hard to reach place. I can find this panel (pictured) but not the panel that goes across the back under the rear window. Is that called the deck? Just getting all the options together.
  20. Paula

    Bag of Sand.

    I’m not bad with a rattle can, but I’d never be happy if it’s a larger area. If it’s only a little patch I’m happy to have a go. I don’t have a garage, so it’s a little tricky on the road.
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