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Posts posted by DVD3500

  1. 1 hour ago, Pete Lewis said:

    keep it fitted but without any inards and knowone knows 

    Ah... did not know that was an option. 😉

    Well I am likely going to have to go for a "prototype" approval for my Spitfire.

    As I mentioned before I have making one car out of 2 and since a lot of the car is from a US car I might as well build the car I want and get approval rather than getting "exceptions" for everything that is not "original" or "standard".

    The German MOT aka TÜV basically allows 3 permission types:

    1. H for Historical: The car most be original or "in period" or EVERYTHING down to the radio. Pain to achieve but has allows for cheaper insurance and let's you drive where there are smog restrictions.

    2. "Regular" Permission. Easier to achieve but anything that is not standard gets scrutinized and must be added to paper work (at a cost usually). Changed even to the size of tire or wheel are technically not allowed and Higher Power forbid you make "upgrades" like stainless steel brake lines.

    3 "Prototype" literally "one-time" approval. Expensive (I have read from 60 to 600€), but essentially the car gets a once over and if you can convince the engineer it is road worthy he allows it.  The best way is to get the engineer on board BEFORE making the changes and then he lets you know if he will allow it before you put it on. Given I am taking the best out of a MKIV (looks) and 1500 (US doors, rear bumper etc.) I reckon this is easiest...

    I wasn't planning on anything too crazy for the Spitfire brakes. I just wanted tandem and I don't want a dummy light on the dash. I don't think I need GT6 brakes or anything crazy like that. Mark Field set me up with some nice pads and shoes (that he forgot to send me in December ! 😄 ) and I think I will be fine. 

    Great tip about hollowing out the PDWA though!

  2. Apologies if this is a silly question. I did try the search but the terms are too general for a good result....

    As some of you know my (European) MKIV needs a new body and I found one in the form of a Californian 1500.

    We haven't decided which frame/chassis we will use but but I prefer the sleek, dainty MKIV steering column with the "bump your knee on it" ignition as opposed to the TR7 style plastic box on the 1500's column. (brunettes, blondes....)

    I know the rear axle is different on the 1500 but I don't see anything to suggest that I can't swap the steering columns over.

    Anything to watch out or?



  3. On my car we scraped the paint off and found rust in the seam ever few inches and finally decided to ditch the whole body.

    My body specialist said you would have strip each and ever panel out to make sure there is nothing in there. The problem he explained is the rust had formed a "bubble" that you might not get to even with acid dipping. Hence,.... we are binning the body...



  4. Small update: Found an abandoned project car in Belgium. Californian car complete except for the interior.

    Probably the car that I should have bought in the first place as it has the gearbox, brake system and stronger doors that I wanted BUT I only found the seller through contacts that I got by buying the first car.

    Plan is to use the best/preferred parts from both cars.

    With any luck I will have it stripped and ready for rebuild in September (maybe sooner if the the weather holds up)...


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  5. I get Talking Pictures via a Sattelite. Sadly the EPG (Electronic ProGram) only shows the current show and the follow up and FreeSAT has made it difficult to find out what is coming with the apps available...

    So if anyone sees a show like this coming up please post here so I can program the receiver!



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