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Stag Stromberg's & installed Angle

Peter Truman

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It just made me think when I was looking at Matthews Stag's engine, SU's have an alignment bush to keep the float chamber vertical relative to the carb fitment. I assume so it has a constant level of fuel, the float doesn't bind and there's vertical pressure on the float valve, similarily the Strombergs on the Vitesse.

But when I look at the Stag the carbs are fitted at quite an angle from horizontal and the float chambers are integral with the carb body so I assume the fluid level in the float chamber being horizontal varies in depth across it's width of the bowl and the float valve operates out of the vertical, why doesn't this have an impact on the carbs performance? I know that the petrol is sucked from the float bowl thro the jet and the minor variance across the tube thro the float bowl probably has little impact why do SU's go to the effort of keeping the float bowl vertical.


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arent they different the two types of floats with SU just floating while Strombergs have a pivot? The first must be kept vertical or might jam but with an adjustment of the needle valve operating arm the second can work at an angle. The fuel depth in the Stromberg across its float camber will vary when not horizontal but as long as its kept stable by the float this doesnt matter because the jet draws from below the surface...

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