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Dashboard support frame

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10 minutes ago, norwaybike said:

Simple question for the experts, is the dashboard support frame the same on the Spitfire and GT6?

Don't know about expert but where GT6mk3 and Spit IV/V are concerned the frame is the same. Only difference might be in the grain of the trim (coarse v. fine and depending on year).

Earlier Spitfires (I, II, IIi) had a slightly different frame with markedly bowed legs rather than the 'straight' legs of the IV and V. But, I think (but not particularly sure), GT6s all had the straight legs including Mk1 and Mk2.

I don't think the relevant body dimensions ever changed so in terms of 'fit' all would be interchangeable.

Hopefully another member will chip in to confirm, disconfirm or refine the above.


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