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Replacement valves - gas flow or normal?


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I have to replace a valve on the gt6 and have the option of fitting "gas flow" or "normal". I bought one of each from Chris Witor as a just in case but neither matches the other 5 that are fitted so I suspect I'll be replacing all 6 at this rate


Question is, is there much difference between the two and can I fit a gas flow on a head that had a normalish one on it previously


Clearly I'll need to grind them in either way



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Improving gas flow is bit more than the valve profile.

Just changing the inlet valve, even all six and you will notice nothing at all.


But it wouldn't be a deficit, so unless the Usual Suspects (Triumph Suppliers) can offer identical ones, why not.


Why do you need a new valve?   Is this time to consider new valve guides?

Or even a wholesale valve revision and steel inserts for the exhausts.   

This is a risk of classic car, or old boat ownership - you start to mend one thing and end up with a complete restoration!



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Why replace? Well the honest answer is that I'm afraid that I slightly bent one but that's another story


I had the head gas flowed a couple of years ago and it's got tapered guides and polished ports but for some reason he didn't insert gas flowed valves. Exhaust is tubular as well.


So I need to do something ! The question is what?



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