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wiper motor gearing / sweep

David Kirk

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I have realised that my Spitfire 1500 wiper motor is fitted with a 130 degree gear, which explains the sweep of the wiper blades over shooting off the side of the windscreen.

I understand that it should have a 100 degree gear, which are hard to obtain. I have also seen a 105 degree gear on sale on Ebay and said to be correct for a Spitfire 1500. Which is correct

More out of curiosity, does anyone have a list of gears / sweeps and their applications? 


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Hi David,

does your car use the round body 14W wiper motor (Moss would suggest so)

TRy here for replacement drive gear  https://www.s-v-c.co.uk/product/14w-wiper-drive-gear/

If you use the DR3 wiper motor (square body) then it is possible (if you are seriously desperate) to reposition the crank pin 



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Hello Roger,

Yes, the 14W wiper motor.

Thanks for the link to SVC. Not heard of them before (and I have owned Triumphs for more than 35 years! Amazing they do all the options in 5 degree steps.

So does anyone know what my 130 degree gear is from (might help me sell it on eBay if I know what it fits)


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