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Everything posted by StevieB

  1. It's answers like that, that make forums so great. Thank you very much.
  2. I am so glad I saw this post, I would not have known about the bedding in process being so precise. Looks like they will need a good 30 minute 'bedding-in' drive. Thanks for all the tips. Steve (it's a shame we lost the old forum - like all things that are new, we will soon get used to this, and the loss of the oldone will pale).
  3. I have finally got round to looking at replacing the door glass on my GT6 MK3. Had it for ages, just never got round to it. (My hand has been forced, or arse kicked if you prefer, because the door handle broke :-( ) Anyway, I need to know a couple of things please; 1) Which of the many bolts indicated below do I need to remove to allow me to lift the glass out? http://forum.tssc.org.uk/index.php?/gallery/image/71-door-annotated/ I think it is the blue ones (apologies ot Dave Richardson if he is reading this, he did tell me at Silverstone, and I promptly forgot) 2) Once I have the door glass out, with the mechanism, I need to ease it out of the bottom channel. This looks to be a secure fit. What is the best way to do this, and what do I replace the 'rubber' padding with in the channel (I am assuming it will be trashed in the process). Thanks in anticipation. (Couldn't embed image don't know why - sorry)
  4. The Noisy Car - Christened by my son when he was small, and terrified of it, loves it now though. That's my boy! :-)
  5. Thanks so much for posting this. Having had hot brakes (on old pads) the other day, I decided it was time for some new pads whilst I investigated the hot brake issue. (I suspect the pads are low, or I have a stone in there squealing away). I was not aware of any specific run-in requirements for Mintex Pads, so this is dead useful. BTW, can you confirm what pads you are using on your GT6? I have bought some (MGB 535 I think, on the basis I can return if they are not right). Ta Steve
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