covered on other posts there are a few basics that need addressing to wake up the handbrake
when fitting a new cable you need to be aware of the angle at the compensator lever
the wheel cyl must freely slide in the back plate this can be upset by wear from the handbrake lever wearing
quite deep grooves in the back plate .this needs weld and clean off.
as said dont let the axles hang , with the cable removed at the wheel cyl, fully lock up the adjuster hard
now you can reconnect the cable with no taut or slack , just a nice fit of the pins in the forks .
now release the adjuster about 4 clicks (one turn)
you should have around 4 -6 clicks on the handbrake
and as a thought i would remove the drums and check the trailing shoes are the right way round ( the unused rectangular hole for the handbrake on the rear shoe must be at the bottom