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Posts posted by Bfg

  1. photos speak for themselves . . .


    ^ bolts without plain shanks and an apparently reused gasket.  


    ^ two thread inserts, both proud of the gasket face.


    ^ untapped hole for the thread insert


    From cleaning out that hole.. it feels like silicon but with stripped-out-thread-bits to give it a nice crunchy texture.


    P1400407s.JPG.7a72481fea31d8c3a30137a14859906e.JPG    P1400408s.JPG.804b7dcd6f2de2f8425bd623d1cf25c6.JPG

    ^ the top hole's thread insert, similarly in a plain (untapped) hole. 


    ^ it's going to rather difficult to prevent swarf from my tapping that hole, inbetween the two gears, from dropping into the gearbox case. 

    And this is just 200 miles since the gearbox was professional rebuilt by Klassic Transmissions.   I don't know if these faults were there before, but still I feel they ought to have been rectified in a professional manner.  And although there might have been an occasional drip of oil under the car - it was, when bought, remarkable oil-leak free. 



  2. Looking forward to this Burlington build Ian .. not least as I know Hayden from way back in the day.   Unfortunately because I do not know the intricacies of the small chassis Triumph's suspension, most of what you've written about it goes straight over my head ..so I'm looking forward to seeing photos along with your entertaining deliberations.

    Keep moving forward, Pete 

    • Thanks 1
  3. Other little jobs are being done ...

    P1400215s.JPG.67f5df79a72d233b8b14985138cb62c8.JPG    P1400305s.JPG.09d8a18cc958a56b529160c2975a8f3e.JPG

    ^ as previously spotted, this stud through the overdrive's flange and its nut were not exactly precision fitted.  The stud was poking through the back, but lacking threads in the nut.   The dilemma then was how to get the stud out ..with damaging it and or separating the joint.?  As you can see there's not enough thread for a single nut let alone for locking two together . . .


    ^ the solution I chose was to remove the washer, to expose more thread, and to loosely refit the nut on its stud with medium strength Loctite.  When this cured it undid the stud from the cast flange.  


    ^ although I would have preferred it an 1/8" longer.. the stud is just about long enough.   I applied loctite to the thread into the cast flange and screwed it in to be flush with it back face. I let that cure before refitting its washer and nut. 


    ^ Job done ..next.

    It was disappointing to see that the clutch release mechanism had been altered from as I'd fitted it just a few months ago . . .


    ^ several things were apparent. 1. I had left double bushes in the case where the rod passes through ..because those bushes were rather short.  2. there's a glean of oil around the bellhousing. somewhere is leaking.  3. the grease I had applied was lithium based molybdenum-disulphide ..as used CV joints where high shear loads (ie., sliding) and infrequent maintenance access is usual.  This has been substituted with Copaslip ..a very different product intended for a completely different job.  4. the lock wire through the release-lever-fork does not go through the dowel pin.  The prior owner of this car did that and the pin fell out and then the main pin sheared off, so I consider it necessary to wire that dowel pin in place.  


    ^ where I'm pointing to, there's oil  ..as if that gasket face is leaking.  Or else the oil has come passed a seal around the splined shaft and has dribbled back.  It might better account for the sheen of oil all around the inside of the bellhousing.  Either way, it's an unhappy prospect. 

    P1400318s.JPG.28a42f9ddf45f7ecfa246d9f93bea4b5.JPG    P1400313s.JPG.042d788d2cadd772bdd626833f599d56.JPG

    ^ Both ends of this shaft and their bushes are dry of lubrication.  ^^And the bush in the RHS is part hanging out, with its end battered. As the bush is short it ought at least be under the shaft.  These were a brand new bushes, that I had carefully drifted into their place. And there was a bolt through the hole under it, which located it.

    I'm disheartened by the lack of care & attention. 

    I'll see if I can get another pair of new bushes, before I refit the gearbox.



  4. 6 hours ago, Mathew said:

    Oh pete, you will be upset with my local ford dealer




    This is the state of my new car!!! After a week in there care!!!!!!

    Just to fix a small oil leak!!!!!

    Why is it not done in a day as previously agreed, the sealant they were supplied was out of date!!!! So the have to have the correct sealant in date!

    I know some only use sealant on sumps and the new stuff seals but does not block. I do think however they are swinging the lead on this one. Still i have there large transit, deliveries anyone!!!!

    Looks like they're working their way down to the sump plug ..from the top ! :P

  5. 19 hours ago, Pete Lewis said:

    ... but i prefer stuff like Loctite 574 and dump the gasket  for any face to face surfaces ( providing the gasket is not of any dimensional significance )

    used on trials to solve truck oil leaks and it was head and shoulders better than any other stuff we tested, so was  made a permanent production process 

    when it goes solid  it needs a tap or a lever to split the joint but you are oil free



    I wouldn't..


    I have never used Loctite 574, but my experience with other gasket goo's ..applied in this quantity - is in rebuilding engines ..from where an oil way had been blocked by a blob of such goo squeezing out from the mating face, and that bead (usually after some time) dropping into the circulating oil.  The Sunbeam motorcycles, I professionally restored, have an oil-way drilling from the rear main bearing up through the block and then cylinder-head to the camshaft.  Yes even in 1946 it was designed with an overhead cam.  And just where the oil way entered the rear of the camshaft a blob of sealant might easily stop the flow and the camshaft would soon be destroyed (see photo below).  If a smaller blob got passed that first obstacle, then inevitably it would end up inside the rocker-arm tube to block one of the jets to the cam lobes.  



    My TR's gearbox shares its oil with the overdrive unit ..which again has fine oil-way drillings that are easily blocked.  Although there is a filter in the pick up, I am assured that the usual cause of an over-drive failure (necessitating it to be rebuilt or replaced) is one of its oil-ways getting blocked.  I'm simply not prepared to take the risk

    Overview description of Loctite 574  says it has "a high oil tolerance".  Sorry but in my opinion a high 'tolerance' to oil  is not good enough inside a gearbox or engine.  Conversely, it goes on to say "excellent water and glycol resistance" which implies where it may be most useful.   But then again, I very quickly made a new gasket for the water pump on the TR  ..after all it just has three mounting bolts, so why would I want to use this stuff ?   At the best part of £30 (inc VAT) for just 50ml - I can't see it as a cost effective solution. Aside from which I'd have to order and wait for it, so why not instead just buy the correct gasket for far less money.?  

    Sorry Peter, but your professional experience may persuade you otherwise ..but I'll not encourage the less-experienced reader of these pages to try such a shortcut.  If they were to home-make a gasket and it leaked a little, then that's one thing ..but it'll not be a disaster.  Conversely, if an engine, gearbox, or overdrive is damaged ..due goo being used over zealously, well then I think that would be something else all together.  

    Just my opinion you understand. 

    "it needs a tap or a lever  to split the joint"   Oh no, ye mechanic* with hammer & screwdriver



  6. 15 hours ago, PeteH said:

    👍 Made literally hundreds of Pipe Flange joints with the same process often using Graphited sheet "jointing" material, small ball peen hammer produces a pattern and on the thinner stuff even a cut.


    "literally hundreds" huh  ..so why not just buy / have in a stock of gaskets ?  Surely making them individually is a false economy. 

  7. 19 hours ago, GrahamB said:

    My friend's father was an engineer at Dunlop's wheel division, probably started there in about 1930.  To make a gasket, he placed the gasket material over the joint and then tapped gently with a hammer around the edges of the casing.  This left an imprint of the surface and the holes on the material which could then be cut out ready for use.

    I'll not  do that on an aluminium case, but might do the same with an iron casting ..if I thought it were robust enough, such as with a cast-steel water pump. However it often means cutting the centre out first, to clear any protrusion ..so the gasket material lays flat (although to start with, that need only be a localised hole).  

    Also if doing things that way, then I'd suggest ; marking and cutting two holes first, and placing their bolts in the holes to keep things in line.  Otherwise the tendency, particularly for long &/or skimpy gaskets,  is for the gasket material to creep a little as you work your way around it, and then you find the last holes are perhaps 1/16 of 1/8" out of place.   How might I know it tends to do that ! ? :ph34r:


  8. Good morning all,  with the gearbox top-cover's threads now all being good, and my friend Rich having a complete set of the correct bolts which I'll collect sometime this week, all I needed was a gasket.  Not many pence perhaps but for the inconvenience of ordering just one item and then also its postage cost.. I made one. 

    To many who read this, a home-made gasket is a huge No, No.!   Some may argue that its thickness is critical, and that it's a false economy and so forth. And very often I would agree that those arguments.  Conversely, many an Engineer has made gaskets for engines and mechanics that are either unique or else so rare that such things as gaskets are simply not available.  Many others will think "why not if you can do it successfully "  particularly as in this situation - it's not an engine nor gearbox out again job if its oil sealing is less than 100% successful.

    The failings I've seen in home made gaskets (..and I have seen quite a few over the years) is that the card used is inappropriate &/or the cutting out and holes are awful.   Regarding the former, there is of course sheet-gasket-paper commercially available.  Alternatively, selection of a suitable piece of card comes down to it not having been compressed too much when it was made or printed ..nor is it creased or soiled from use.  In my estimation, more often than not, cardboard which has a glossy surface (such as a cornflake box, whether printed or not) is less than suitable.  However the brown card envelopes now used by Amazon is really quite excellent for our purpose. 

    Again.., I am not saying 'do as I do'  ..all I'm showing here is 'this is how I do things' if you find yourself caught-short of a gasket . . .



    ^ with the card cut slightly oversize, and three of the sides square to each other (because the holes will be measured from their edge, the first two holes are easy to mark.  The hole centres were first marked as ticks along the edge but then checked with a ruler.  Note ; as this gearbox was made to imperial measure, so then the checking of its hole centres was done to 1/16".   Btw, that first edge overhangs the side of the gearbox case a little, simply because the card is stronger when the holes are not so very close to the edge.  If that is subsequently ugly (such as on a motorcycle engine which is clearly seen) then it is best trimmed after the cover is installed.

    Holes are not so difficult when you press them out rather than trying to cut or drill them. Here's how. . .

    P1400290s.JPG.3fc879bfadfd6a2a7ed7d93efbf2fcba.JPG    P1400293s.JPG.516a17c7af85eeea2cad54718de9ca7a.JPG

    ^ the hole centres are marked on the one side of the paper, and a suitable penny washer is aligned to those. It is held in that position as the card is turned over and placed faced-down on a work-bench edge, and then a suitable rounded end of a ring spanner is pushed into it.  The steel of the ring spanner pushed firmly and turned stamps a hole neatly through the cardboard.  It's very nearly the same as using a hole punch through the edge of a sheet of paper ..but I do find using a washer easier to centre accurately.  These simple tools, and a used Amazon envelope, are also convenient for the tool kit when touring.

    NB. the penny washer has sharper edges on one side than the other from where it's been stamped, the sharp side is used against the card.  The ring spanner has to be small enough, to push into the hole.  And the hole in the penny washer (penny washer used because it's easier to hold when turned over) is a size smaller than the bolt size used.  ..So, in this instance the bolt is 5/16" UNC. The penny washer used was of 6mm (1/4") hole, and the ring-spanner used was of 8mm.   


    ^ the cut hole is adequately neat (..the pressed out piece of card still within the washer).


    ^ Although firm pressure is needed to punch these holes out.. accurately marking out their position is very much more time consuming.  Again remember to measure in from the edge of straight edges and then check the hole centres correspond to imperial measure, so in this example the centreline of top cover's LHS holes is exactly 5" apart from the centreline of the RHS holes.    


    ^ I had carefully removed the old gasket and with that loosely in position over the new, I roughly traced the line of the inside cut. Using a straight edge I refined my tracing before cutting.  Still it saved a fair amount of time, in measuring and draughting the cut line . . . 


    ^ almost done.  Although I use scissors to cut the outside shape, I find it easier to cut the inside with a Stanley-knife (cutting through onto a piece of scrap plywood) ..working from each corner.  


    ^ to finish off, I've sealed the card's surface and edges with paint.  Here I've used aerosol zinc-primer, which with a finger I've rubbed into the surface and in particular into the cut edges of the cardboard.  This was done on both sides, and is akin to fibreglassing, whereby its resin holds the fibres together.  Here I'm using the paint to prevent any loose paper fibres along the inside edges from washing away.  As you can see I've only applied and rubbed-in a thin / sealing coating of paint.

    Making this gasket from scratch, including paint and taking all the photos, took 60 minutes ..so it's not instant. But at the same time buying and getting a new one isn't either.  And this is (imo) much better than reusing an already compressed gasket, or else using an excess of goo.

    Once the paint is dry, its use is just the same as a commercially available gasket. In this application I'll most likely use a smear of Wellseal between the gasket and gearbox case, and a smear of heavy grease between the gasket and the top cover.

    "granddad, have you sucked that egg yet ? " :rolleyes:



  9. 2 hours ago, PeteH said:

    The by product of Anaerobic digestion, or the natural biodegrading of Waste matter is any of various varieties of Methane. The waste matter produced is a slurry devoid of oxygen which is lethal to plant and animal life.


    i was asking re. context to this thread

  10. No I've never done that Peter.  Perhaps I've just been fortunate or else my running the bolt in and out a few times, to clean out the excess Loctite (before I break the wire off) also ensures the coil-insert is sitting securely in its own thread.?  

    Conversely., I have had a couple of those wires which simply refused to break off.  One on the end of a thread-insert through a bellhousing flange on my motorcycle is still there, and can seen from the side of the bike ..as even with long nose pliers wouldn't twist it off.  So perhaps it comes down to how well the nick was made in the wire. 

    Otherwise I wonder if the thread (bolt or stud) you are putting in has a hard cut end and would benefit from a slight chamfer ? 



    4 hours ago, Paul H said:

    Thanks Pete , great practical tutorial 


    ^ Thanks for the feedback,  I'm glad it was of interest and perhaps even useful.

    3 hours ago, Mathew said:

    Looking good. Nice new gasket on the top should seal that leak for good. 

    A little set square could ease the square drill angle viewing?

    Cheers Mathew,

    Unfortunately I don't have a gasket for the top cover so will have to make one, not difficult ..but quite time consuming.

    Yes indeed, I've used a metal working set square on occasion when I wasn't readily able to set the angle of the gasket face either horizontal or vertical, such as when replacing pulled-out cylinder-head-studs on my motorcycle's engine (while that was still in the bike's frame). The set-square was good for sighting but, because the gasket face was quite small (twin cylinder), it was also in the way my drilling and tapping. I found having the spirit level nearby but to one side was easier and less prone to getting knocked over.

    Hope you're now feeling better after your booster jab ..



  12. 4 hours ago, Wagger said:

    Hi Bfg. Yes, I have noticed the stations are diminishing. However, it will be available bottled for years to come as used in forklifts. Our MD in 1979, had his giant Volvo running on the Blue bottles. We will be producing gas from waste in the future. our local landfill sites have been bottling it for 30 years.

    Surely bottled gas is fine for those vehicles easily adapted to carry them ?  ..but then bottle gas has always been very much more expensive than LPG direct from the filling stations.  Aside from that I'm not going to have a couple of gas bottle poking through holes in my TR's boot lid.   :blink:

    4 hours ago, PeteH said:

    One of the Biggest issues with Methane fuel from waste. Is it`s High Sulfur content which necessitates it being "scrubbed" before it can be used in I-C engines and or Burnt in Boilers. To bring it to a C-Value acceptable for the National Gas grid it is most often "Sweetened" with Propane.

    I know very little about the subject, but I understood that blue bottles were typically for butane. Where does methane come into it ?

  13. I had LPG / petrol (dual fuel) on my Scimitar SE6A (Essex 3 litre engine with downdraft Weber carburettor) ..and I would given the choice go that way again, as it was excellent. Easy starting, smoother, VERY MUCH cleaner running, totally reliable and noticeably more economical.   However there are many less LPG fuel stations now, and I wouldn't know if it's still practical. 

  14. This afternoon my focus was on the threat-repair of five of the eight holes, for the bolts which secure (and seal) the gearbox's top cover.  Again my apologies to those who have seen these thread repairs / inserts a dozen or more times before. . .

    P1400238s.JPG.1ceca308ee85c14ece8accecc39235f9.JPG     P1400252s.thumb.JPG.b5ed56e65ef43cd4eaa64473717c037f.JPG

    ^ after being stood on end and slightly inverted overnight ..to drain the last of the oil out (of gearbox and overdrive), I cleaned / degreased the case and my stainless work tray this morning, covered over the exposed gears and prepared for drilling. 


    ^ I'd bought this kit of UNC thread inserts off an e-bay seller a couple of weeks ago specifically for this task, and having used the same sort (but Whitworth threads) on my Sunbeam motorcycle engines - I had a fair idea how to do it. As you can seen the kit comes with the correct size of drill, and tap, a good number of thread inserts (coils of the replacement thread) and the tools to insert them. 

    The difficult part of the task is drilling and then tapping squarely into the old hole.  A stripped out thread is very nearly the right size already but a sharp drill-bit will tend to cut at an angle if you're not really very careful. I use a spirit level to sight against . . . 

    P1400254s.JPG.e9dd8eb5be06ec79cce6246401089e5a.JPG    P1400253s.JPG.37dd9463ea843ce1f086ff9e3bb3b7a5.JPG

    ^ the gearbox was set, with spacers under the bellhousing flange, so that its top face (where the holes are) was sitting vertical. Alongside the gearbox, and set at a convenient height, a spirit-level was leveled.  Then, as can be seen in the second of these photos, the drill can be sighted to be level with it.   Yeah Ok., so while taking the photo I was having difficulty holding the drill perfectly horizontal ..but I'm sure you get the idea.  During the drilling - my head was alternating, like a nodding-dog in a car's back window, from sighting at this angle to looking down on the drill ..to ensure that it wasn't going in at an sideways angle.  The blue masking tape is simply a depth gauge, so that I knew when to stop !

    The modus operandi is likewise used when tapping the oversized thread ..into which the insert will be fitted. . .

    P1400259s.JPG.e63235cf5a0bdd7f80b0996656e7670f.JPG    P1400256s.JPG.cabfc007ced85ed02a14dbaebe9b1290.JPG

    ^ tapping the oversized hole is more difficult than drilling it, and although the first part of that is its chamfered end - I take as much care with this stage as when the tap bites and starts to cut (seemingly very crudely with a coarse thread into cast aluminium). Great care is needed at this stage., as the tap bites a chunk of aluminium out of one side and then at 90-degrees ..which tries to throw your direction off true.   But if I can do ..then so can you :)

    During this tapping, I stop to brush-clean the tap, and to clean out the hole, two or three times. This is because the chunks of metal being cut out need to be cleared out rather than their snagging and binding.  My marker tape might tend to prevent some bits from clearing, but I still prefer to have it there as a depth gauge.  Personally, I don't use cutting paste or lubricant either while drilling nor when tapping, because I want that hole and the freshly cut thread to be bare-metal clean for its insert. 

    P1400264s.JPG.1400aad7392de87dfc0699b9f96b76a2.JPG    P1400266s.JPG.0413a254135acd261d8525c1aa25bd15.JPG

    ^ The thread-insert is a coil of stainless steel, although not of marine grade because it's slightly magnetic. The outside of the coil winds into the freshly cut oversized thread, and its inside is the right size and thread for the bolt.  In this case 5/16" UNC.

    The forks, on the end of the tool provided, engage with a wire across the coils inside end, and is used like a screwdriver to fit the insert into the threaded hole. It very simple to do so.   I liberally apply Loctite 2400 both onto the insert and into the threaded hole, before winding it in to about a mm below the surface.  

    I then screw a clean bolt in ..to first ensure that the insert has gone in correctly, and also to collect / clean out the excess of Loctite.  I do this two or three times, inbetween times removing and wiping the bolt's thread clean with tissue paper.

    The wire inside, used to screw the insert in, has to be broken off and removed.  There's a straight rod within the kit to do this with, which when inserted into the hole is tapped on end with a wooden block. . .

    P1400268s.JPG.0f1366137543fe027c0f8afe6ca1600f.JPG    P1400269s.JPG.bd29457a0a9cdfbbd497ab0c1688f724.JPG 

    It's then very important to retrieve that little piece of wire ..as you wouldn't want it floating around inside with the mechanical gnashing of teeth or otherwise restricting an oil gallery. A small screwdriver, temporarily magnetized can help retrieve those which are broken off in a blind hole.

    Job done . . .

    ..except I had two others to do . . .

    P1400275s.JPG.b8ff3102ca0bcc342b7580c4b268bbea.JPG    P1400276s.JPG.92c2b1b973a2b4b65a9fbdfaa4b66f34.JPG etc., etc.

    ^ here I clamped the spirit level to the side of the case so that it was again at a suitable height for sighting the drill, and tapping, level.   With those done and all the bits carefully swept up and disposed of, and the newly re-threaded holes picked clean - all that remained was to ensure any bits ..that might have got passed or around the barriers were blasted out . . . 


    ^ copious amounts of carb cleaner jetted into and around the gears and all around the inside of the case, which itself was tilted so that any bits would wash out of the open top. 


    ^ ,,and left it was to drip dry.  I had very carefully cleaned the tray out before doing this, and subsequently.. I found one small piece of aluminium from the thread cutting in the tray. whether that came from inside the case or from its outside, I will never know.  Still better be safe, in the knowledge that reasonable precautions had been taken, than miserable.

    Tomorrow I'll address a few other issues before trying to refit it back into the car.

    Bidding you a good evening,



    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

    ...it's all been done before, but briefly.. this is my taking the gearbox out on my own, despite my dubious back ..which tends not to bear well with twisting and lifting, particularly at the same time as stretching. . . 


    ^ From what I learnt in removing / refitting the gearbox to replace the clutch..  I cut a scrap piece of 3/4" plywood to aide doing this job on my own.   It's 22" x 14" wide, but for the last 10" which taper down (equally on either side) to 11" wide. This clears the chassis rail on the LHS and the exhaust pipe running down the RHS on my car.  Exhaust clamps are off the 2:1 downpipe connection and at that at the gearbox was loosened, so the engine might be tilted slightly up at the back.  The long 5-1/2" wide block of timber supported by the trolley jack, lifts under the very back end of the sump.  The cut piece of 3/4" ply sits on top of this, immediately behind the sump, and is the right thickness for the bellhousing to almost rest on. 

    I'll check when I put the gearbox back in place whether the thickness is exactly right to align the gearbox shaft back into the clutch. 

    The back of the engine, together with the gearbox, is lifted and tilts. Only a small lift is required, in fact just enough to align the top of the bellhousing to just below the rounded cutout of the body shell, under the battery tray. I'm sure when we remove the gearbox before, my helping mechanic was a little too enthusiastic in jacking it up (too much) and the bell-housing's flange then wouldn't come backwards through the bulkhead's cutout. 

    Thereafter plywood makes it very easy to simply slide the gearbox back and inch or two off of the clutch spline. Only then, the back end of the gearbox can be lifted onto blocks inside the car . . .


    ^ The blocks inside the car are a bridge over the prop-shaft UJ., which wont drop lower without removal of the exhaust pipe. And I didn't want to disturb that any more.  The gearbox rubber mounting has been removed but the steel brace across the chassis is otherwise untouched (still bolted tightly to its chassis brackets).  Sliding the gearbox back on the piece of plywood is safe n' secure and low enough to clear the heater and dashboard. The heater flap has an Allen key lightly pinched in place of the control cable, to keep that flap closed.


    ^ Under the car, I added a support tower, just in case ..as a safeguard. But as the long timber plank was sandwiched between the sump and the jack, the top of this tower and that plank didn't actually touch, even as the gearbox was pulled back. Btw., those blocks are mostly screwed together, so is more stable and robust than might first appear from this photo. 


    ^ next was another block which I lifted the clutch lever onto.  I'm very wary of pulling my back again ..and then being out of action for a month, so this maneuver was more a matter of rolling the gearbox over to the right hand side onto a block, and then sliding the bellhousing end across to the left, together with the lever arm over the lip of the floor. 


    ^ slid across on timber blocks.


    ^ sill / door seal rubber lifted off and another bridge placed to lift the back end of the gearbox onto. 

    By then the gearbox was out of the car sufficiently to avoid stretching while lifting and so dragging the gearbox out and onto the backless-office-chair (covered in thick plastic) was easy. 


    ^ task done, with body and each finger intact...  Tbh it was far less drama lifting it out on my own, than with an enthusiastic professional helper.  Admittedly it took me 100 minutes, including making a cup of coffee, removing the top half of bellhousing bolts (the bottom ones I did yesterday evening), removing the starter motor, removing the gearbox mount, measuring and cutting the 3/4" plywood, positioning the trolley jack and in general being very careful. 

    Having bought a UNC thread repair kit, specifically for this task (albeit I only expected to be doing one or perhaps two), tomorrow I hope to repair the five.  All being well, I'll collect the full set of (correct) top cover bolts next week.  That's not a problem as I hope to have the gearbox refitted over this weekend, and the cover can be loosely refitted until then.



    • Like 1
  16. On 15/11/2021 at 20:22, Bfg said:

    I think for tomorrow.. I might not crawl under the car !   . . . yippee  :P


      .. Well that only sort of happened insomuch as I didn't work on the car at all on Tuesday, but on the other hand.. on Wednesday, the following day I did work on the car I found myself underneath again..



    ^ Seats & tunnel out, to address the leak from the recently rebuilt gearbox.  I've been here before when I first collected the car, because the overdrive stopped working. That was just a matter of the replacement overdrive solenoid's wire having a 3+mm (?) bullet being loose in the Lucas 4mm bullet connector.  That was odd because M&T had soldered new bullet connectors where some were loose to the headlamps.  The gearbox and overdrive refitting was done by a sub-contract mechanic (Keith) who clearly cared little for his customer's business reputation.

    Anyway while finding that fault, I also noted the gearshift spring was fitted upside down in the cup ..which is why I was having difficulty changing gear, and the propshaft UJ bolts were loose.  Two of the four bolts I could tun in my fingers, the two others each took up by about 1/4 of a turn.  The oil leak, all down either side of the gearbox, was clearly coming from around the top cover.    

    You may recall from previous posts that the gearbox oil-leak delayed the car being ready for me to collect, and it was taken out again, returned to Klassic Transmissions, then refitted, then taken out again, and the overdrive was deemed to be at fault so that was replaced.  And yet as soon as I looked at the oil wash from high up the gearbox and down either side, it was obvious that the top cover was leaking.  That might have been the seal(s) from the selector rods, but because of the widespread slick of oil that scenario was unlikely.


    ^ I'd also noted that this bolt was stripped out (wouldn't tighten) and as you can see it is different to the one nearer the front. It did have a spring washer under it but I removed that to try and get a pinch on the next thread down.  I couldn't do much else about it at the time, so corrected the solenoid wire and tightened the prop-shaft, with the intent to coming back to this before I drove the car much further.  Accordingly that's why I pulled out the interior (again) yesterday. 



    ^ as removed from the rear of the top cover


    ^ the two forward holes are stripped out for the most part, the bolts fitted were wrong / of fine thread. 

    The spotlessly clean interior of the gearbox case reflects it having been just rebuild, a couple of month and some 200 miles ago,  ..no ?


    ^ aside from the stripped out thread to the right of the case, which similarly had a wrong (fine thread) bolt in it, the rear two  threaded holes are likewise mostly stripped out.    I understand that these bolts should be about 1/8" shorter than the front ones, and so they too were wrong (albeit of they are correct thread). One is an all-threaded bolt, which I suspect should have a plain shank like the other.

    That's five of the eight threads which hold / seal this cover down are mostly stripped out, and similarly five of the eight bolts were incorrect.  Unfortunately, each of the bolt holes are through  the turned-inwards rim of the gearbox casing, so any broken threads or bits of aluminium drop straight into the gearbox.  And that gearbox oil is shared with the overdrive. 

    The overdrive is a newly refurbished one ..thankfully that was not rebuilt by Klassic Transmissions, Wolverhampton, who did the gearbox.  


    ^ The underside of the top cover, as it was lifted off, reflecting both the amount of oil leaking passed it and a lump of displaced aluminium ..from where a screwdriver or some other butchery had been hammered in to prise the cover off.  It doesn't take much noddle to realise that this 1mm of ridge of crude would prevent that top cover sealing again on a thin paper gasket.

    As an incentive to leak even more, the gearbox was over-filled by 1/2".  

    Can these thread repairs be done in situ. ?  Well if it were the one then I'd pack underneath the hole and take the risk, I might even do that for the front two as well.  but the rear two not ... 


    ^ I cannot even get my head around to see this ..the camera is somewhat smaller and more nimble !  But as you can see the flange / overhang at the back is very close to the gear, and I cannot even get a little finger in let alone to successfully build a dam to collect any dropping swarf.   If they were blind holes rather than open at the bottom then things might have been different, but the rebuild cost of an overdrive unit is at risk here, and I dare not take it. 


    ^ Bottom line is that the gearbox has to come out for those threads to be repaired ..without risking of dropping swarf bits of metal inside.

    This sort of conning the customer  is a sad reflection on our society.

    NB., This is not M&T's fault, they did not rebuild the gearbox, they just offered, while the engine was out to drop the gearbox off for me. And that was done because the lay-shaft bearings were noisy.  The car and there the gearbox was pleasantly oil-leak free beforehand. 





    Started today with opening presents .. no celebration, just some tools I thought best to invest in..


    ^ six-point A/F sockets with 3/8" drive ..for continuing work on the TR.  I've been using Koken's six-point Whitworth  sockets for some years now (including while professionally restoring 1950's Sunbeam motorcycles for a couple of years) and have been delighted with their quality. They're compact and easy to handle yet tough.  My Makita sockets are all 12-point (also 3/8 drive) and whilst excellent tools, six-point is very much better to avoiding rounded off bolt heads and nuts.

    I also received an external rod / thread deburring tool, as recently discussed and recommended in the TR Register website.


    ^ Big box, little package. 


    Otherwise today was very much..  same ol', same ol'.   In-so-much as I decided to check the rear RHS brake adjustment, which previously I had assumed  was good to go ..with the car having just come back from a chassis swap.  I also wanted to further my greasing schedule ..so the half-shaft had to come out to get to the outer UJ.  And then pleased with the improvement to the LHS rear, I also wanted to fit Marco's handbrake cable run spacer.   All in just a ten minute job then. . . 


    ^ despite Copaslip copiously slapped all over it, the handbrake adjuster nuts were seized on to the rusty thread.  Just undoing and cleaning up this cable end took 45 minutes.  The pin connecting it to the lever arm was again a threaded bolt, which I've now changed to a set screw with a suitably long plain shank.

    I then had call to use my new external deburring tool today for the first time, in cutting the thread of Marco's handbrake cables spacer to suit the thickness of my car's trailing-arm casting. . .

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    ^ measured, cut to length and deburred / chamfered. The tool needed a little care to centre and isn't as smooth a finish as the linisher I'd normally use, but my cordless drill is always to hand and so it was quicker than getting another power-tool out. 


    I disconnected the rear wheel hub and pulled the half-shaft out. This is the first time I'd touched this side and so was anxious as to whether I'd find another stripped thread in this swinging arm. Thankfully not and so all went well.  However this grease nipple was also bent and split . . .


    ^ When the outer   UJ is cranked over (perhaps while the springs were being changed and the trailing-arm was lowered to full rebound) the UJ's forks foul the extended nipple ..and bend and crack it.  This has happened, on this car, on both sides ..whereas its inner UJ's long grease nipples were undamaged, even when disconnected and the UJ is cranked right the way over they are just about clear. The half-shaft's inner UJ forks are rounder and have wider gaps than those of the outer UJ's.


    ^ I didn't have a normal (shorter) nipple to hand, so for this outer UJ, I've borrowed another extended nipple to do the greasing. And then I removed it and fitted a set-screw to blank the hole.  I'm learning ..slowly   :unsure:


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    ^ not only was the cable's adjustment seized, but so was the adjuster in the brake itself.  Penetrating oil wasn't enough to sweat the adjuster loose so I resorted to a little heat.  Then it only took a minute before it started to move, and then getting the adjuster out and cleaning it up was easy-peasy.   Copaslip then liberally applied to its thread, with heavy grease inside the adjuster.

    Moving on to reassembly . . .


    ^ the hub was refitted with new nyloc nuts.    I have noted that the brake shoes only have 2-1/2 to 3mm of thickness left on them.

    Tip to anyone who doesn't know.. if you can thread a nyloc down a clean thread without using a ratchet, then it's already way-past time to replace it.


    ^ That's it, those tasks have now also been checked-off in this corner.  Marco's spacer block can just about be seen under the handbrake cable stop and the cable's run looks good and true.  Shame on Triumph for not casting such a height block into the swinging arm. Thanks again Marco for those B)   

    With all things lubricated and correctly adjusted.. the handbrake lever inside the car has possibly half-the-angle of lift than it had before.

    I think for tomorrow.. I might not crawl under the car !   . . . yippee  :P


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  18. Here's one for y'all . . .

    Personally I think these TR's were pretty robust ..bearing in mind that most of what I'm dealing with on Katie,  is a consequence of five-and-a-half decades of use, deterioration with age of rubber parts and sealed-in lubricants, plus a fair dose of poor maintenance &/or mechanical empathy, and some very iffy parts.. she's survived surprisingly well for a UK climate car.

    But sorta related.., I was reading on Sunday morning ..in bed with a coffee and crumbs from toast n' chunky marmalade, the following from August 1969  . . .



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    It sort of puts things in perspective, that these cars were not considered that brilliant when new.  And were mostly daily drivers, often driven with vigour, not wiped dry to be put away in an integral garage each night, and then ..as already cheap cars, were most likely passed down the line to the lowest-budget family member / owner.  

    Anyone thinking their car has only done xx,ooo miles might like to think again about Trigger's broom




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  19. Thanks Mathew,  ..I do wonder where you find such things ! B)

    I used the string, as I reckoned it would be a sad waste of the planet's natural resources to cut a 1" thick x 9 " (w) x 7' - 4" (L)  hardwood  plank ..for use as a straight board, seeing as I only ever check a vehicle's tracking once every 24th blue moon.  Also I find the string a little more convenient to store inbetween times  ^_^

    Aside from that, it's interesting to see that the author subscribes to checking and adjusting for the vehicle's wheelbase length on either side, and in the example illustrated to adjust it (nominally) by 1/8" :o via the shims.  I'd challenge even the most experienced test driver to feel that difference in wheelbase, if the tracking is true..  But I guess if it's wrong it wrong. That I didn't do this just goes to prove that I'm no perfectionist.


  20. Just finishing up on the offside front suspension this morning. . .


    ^ for the time being, I've also sealed over the tears in the steering rack gaiter, with CT1.  Their replacement is still on the job list, but again this 'fix' moves them down the priority list. 


    ^ oozing after a liberal dose of gear-oiling in the steering trunnion. Also greased of the top ball joint and the track rod end (now that the CT1 has re-sealed it rubber boot).  So those are a few more tasks off the everyday-maintenance check list. 

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    ^ And then I finished up with wire brushing off the flaky paint & surface rust, then splash some paint around, and some copaslip over thread ends and the flexi brake-pipe brackets.  Time to move on. 

    I think I'll next go back to the rear LHS corner ..to do Marco's handbrake cable mod. I liked that. 

    In the meantime, this afternoon, I was supposed to be getting a Honda 125 running for my ex-neighbours grandson ..who I gather wants to sell it.  I used to have a Honda CB125 and thought it a great bike, so if this one was a sensible price then it would be handy as a run around.  Alas, no-one was in and the bike wasn't there. Another time perhaps.

    That's it for now, so I'll bid you all a good weekend.



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  21. You know the kettle's on whenever you're in the area Mathew.   Once I've looked at the offside front suspension & steering, and the nearside handbrake brake, then I'll drop the car back to the ground and for the time being have a quick check with the cord stretched around. It ought not be far out after we checked it before but who knows !


    ... I moved across to the RHS / offside front suspension this afternoon with the intent of inspection, a quick clean up & repaint, and lubrication.  I ended up with more items on my job list . .


    ^ first impressions is that it's tidier than the LHS was, still . . .

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    ^ the steering rack gaiter is shot.


    ^ track rod end gaiter, most likely pinched ..and now split.


    ^ Lower wishbone trunnion, also severely rusty (long-term and from its inside)


    ^ Brake pads held in with a set screw. 


    Top wishbone ball joint has a hole alongside the grease nipple (it was a small sized one which I removed to clean things up, so I could see what was what).  Although this had a nylon body washer over it, the grease was still coming out of the little hole.

    So., for now . . . 

    The steering rack gaiter I can't do anything about until I get the replacement in.

    The track rod end gaiter is not perished so I'm trying a 'fix' of CT1 over it . . .


    ^ Cleaned off first with carb cleaner, it's a fudge ..and it'll either work or not.  If not then a new track rod end is pretty cheap as and when it's required.

    Lower wishbone trunnion ; I realised that if I lift under the wishbones to take the road-springs compression, then I ought be able to release the lower wishbone trunnion bolt to lubricate those nylon bushes.  On the other hand I also know how stubbornly a steel bolt through spacer tubes (which of course are not plated inside their hole) rust together.  Still it was worth a look while i was here  . . .


    I reasoned that with the jack supporting under the wishbones, that lower trunnion would only be bearing the weight of the hub and brake. 

    Out with the split-pin & off with the nut. . .


    They came off easy enough, the nylon bush and its inner dust seal are in my hand.  However even with copious amounts of penetrating oil squirted into and around the steel sleeve (red arrow) and the castle nut ..put back on upside-down so I could hammer the end of the bolt - it wasn't going to shift.  The trunnion is doing its job for now, and there's no discernible slack ..so there's no urgency to battle with it.   NB. Despite appearance I'm not actually looking for work, I'm just trying to get the car in a fit state and on the road.

    Anyway, for now I flooded the bolt and steel sleeve with more penetrating oil, and quickly put the bush, dust seal, the thick washer and the nut with its split pin all back together again.  It can stay like that until those bushes need attention.  At that time ..who knows, the penetrating oil might have soaked in and tilt the forthcoming battle in my favour..   Always the optimist huh Pete  :lol:

    And finally for tonight, the hole next to the grease nipple in the top ball joint . . .


    ^ I simply swapped the nylon washer that was on there for a stainless steel one which likewise covers the hole, after having degreased it and a blob of CT1.  It'll not leak again.

    I'll come back to do the greasing and oiling (of the steering trunnion) tomorrow.  It's time for a cuppa !


    ..oh., just a quick one . . .


    ^ The hub next to the cap is bright and shiny from where it's been cut back with a grinder.  I hadn't noticed it on the other side as that was smeared over in black grease.  Anyone know why this was done ?  anything to do with someone fitting wire-wheel adapters ?




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  22. I questioned on the TR Register forum about lubrication for the TR4A, which is just slightly different to the TR4, and to my way of reading the workshop manuals were unclear. Kindly gents replied and then some more on the steering rack, suggesting how to change its end bush, etc. 

    Excellent replies as well as useful photos from Marco, in Germany.   I was particularly glad that he took those in English. ;)

    I rebuilt a Citroen steering rack a few years back, needing to replace the guts of my rack and pinion ..from another model of car (because my car was too rare to find the correct parts for).  It worked great but changed the steering ratio ever-so-slightly.

    post-20151-0-45489000-1496965838.jpg    post-20151-0-91667000-1496940502.jpg

    ^ Oops pinion that didn't work very well. It's not at all worn but damaged beyond use. ..And you think you have problems with Triumphs !  Anyway I resolved the issue and managed to identify the cause, which in essence came down to needing to tighten the track-rod-ends up ..only  when the suspension was normally loaded. This was not something mentioned in the manuals. :ph34r:

    From Citroen's diagram (above) you can see its thrust button (plunger) with its spring (items 16 & 17) on the right hand side.  The spring pre-loads the pinion against the toothed rack, and also allows the interlocking teeth to lift off a little when the steering hits a bump.  Marco, the spring's give also compensates for lesser or no wear towards the extremities of lock (left and right ends of travel). Suitably lubricated the button (plunger) and back face of the rack will polish together but shouldn't rasp.  Over many miles the rack and the button (plunger) will of course wear excessively, possibly through their surface hardening ..which will then tend to rasp, and so need to be replaced.

    Without pulling my rack apart, I cannot say how badly worn these rack or pinion or thrust button are worn, but the end bushes clearly have a little play in them. I think they need to be on the job list but not at the very top.  I have yet to check anything on the offside, but for feeling for any slack on that side ..and if there is any - then it's very little.  


    Today, I emptied one of my motorcycle-kit grease guns and refilled it with gear oil to use on the bottom steering trunnion. . . 

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    ^ that's darn slippery oil when you get it on your hands !   I pumped that oil in until a little grease came out of its top rubber-boot, and then pumped some more, left it for half-an-hour while I topped up the grease in my other grease gun and did the wishbone's top ball-joint & track-rod-end (their different sized nipples needed different grease guns) and then, after refilling the gun, pumped the bottom trunnion with oil again until it was coming out all around that boot.  I think I'll leave myself a mental note to do that again in a 100 miles.  There's no discernible play in the trunnions and I'd like to keep it like that.

    I cannot see how to lubricate the bottom wishbone  trunnions, without removing the road spring, but the TR4/4A manual (page 4-106 item 36) shows it to have nylon bushes, so I'm hoping these were assembled with silicon and don't otherwise require lubrication, despite the TR4 showing grease nipples for these.?


    As an aside I didn't like this lock washer (below) so swapped it out. . .


    ^ spring / lock washer stretched open.   I don't see the purpose of the spacer tube between that and the splash guard clamped to the back of the brake caliper, so I've swapped the bolt for a shorter one and did away with the spacer.

    The brake pads are in good shape, but the rubber boots in the caliper feel hard, so I'll get a set of those in stock for when I change those pads. Aside from pinching up the bolts through the wishbone (most were replaced by M&T and have settled with use) and a bit of cleaning up and repainting, a bit of Copaslip here n' there rubbed into the brake-pipe's securing clips to help prevent corrosion, I think that's it for this side for the time being.

    With the wheel back on.. the play in the steering or anything else in this corner would, I'm confident in believing, not be flagged in an MOT.  And thankfully no more clonk !

    We'll come back to the steering rack and other bits ..after other higher priority items have been deal with. 



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  23. Before moving forward, I'd calculate the all up weight of the car with a half decent round-trip range on electric, taking into account that after a short while batteries do not hold their originally specified Amp-hr charge.  If the weight is more than the original car's or the front / rear balance is very different then you'll have to up-rate the brakes and suspension.  Will that then mean additional chassis stiffening too.?  

    There's also a whole lot of fabricating needed to stow rectangular batteries within the existing engine bay / body tub curves.

    All doable but possibly not the route you wanted to go.

    I don't know what the construction and use rules are on converting to electric power, although I understand that a normal change to engine, gearbox and drive-train all contribute towards needing special vehicle testing, while still using internal-combustion-engines.

    I'd also suggest you discuss the idea with your insurance company too.  It would be shame do all that converting and then they quadruple your insurance premium.


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