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ptr200 last won the day on September 11 2014

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  1. Nothing to do with being blind re the interchangeability of parts, although a lot of people wouldn't necessarily know that a widget from a Spitfire actually fits a GT6 reverse cone oojimaflip .!! Anyway, its nothing to do with the members in the know, this forum should be catering for new members as well, those whom are just starting out and know "nothing" about the marques so called interchangeability... do you know that a shock from a GT6 is not the same as the Spitfire ? or anyone of thousand different questions a new person can ask? I know, I've been there. What happens when you or other knowledgeable members are no longer around? Its also to do with not wanting to spend a lifetime trawling non essential information I have other more pressing jobs. Once again the suggestion of putting the car specific info on the header of the thread has come up... at the very least this bit should be compulsory if the general format is to stay the same, This I agree with and mentioned it in the early days, along with others if I recall.
  2. I agree, I have not been on the forum for a long while as I dislike the format, (take a look at some other forums and see how they are set up mostly by model) it's a pain in the ar** looking for anything and to be honest I don't really want to have to trawl everyone else model information to look for something relevant to me. I don't have the time to waste sitting at a terminal anymore as apparently I am now over the hill on the downward slope to the breakers yard! (or is that knackers?) every day is a bonus......... I brought this up in the early days of this site along with others and their suggestions... nothing seems to have changed. The discussion at the local meet seems to agree on this point and very few of the members seem to use the forum now as it's too messy....... I'll put the hardhat on now......
  3. I have done this with a few cars and bikes and the DVLA never fail to respond with the information... albeit it takes some weeks and the quality of the photocopies of the docs is not very good... still you get some really interesting info. Sometimes previous owners have had a vehicle six / seven years and using the MoT info you can work out the usually low mileage that they did in the life of the car. If you have a vehicle with a lot of previous owners it can show that a few owners had it a matter of months each, say doing very little mileage for instance, but possible doing some work on the vehicle but never getting it on the road. Yet some owners have it for years and do only nominal mileages, other interesting facts like who owned the vehicle and / the vast distances between owners homes, sometimes the vehicle has lived its life in the same town with a dozen owners ! Of course some paperwork / MoT etc adds to the detective work and its also worth while talking to any servicing dealers that are still in business to get warranty repair info for instance. I know some previous owners love to talk about their long lost pride and joy and so its worth while sending a letter to the previous owners to see if they have any information, pics , rebuild data etc... of course you need to let them respond to you and DON'T pester them if they don't reply to your enquiry... they may no longer live at that address or may even have passed away. If you can add a heritage certificate then the original factory spec is revealed, all makes good reading and a nice history folder for what is now your "pride and joy".
  4. Possibly did click a second time, my net connection is slooooowwww,. 1.4mb download at best so sometimes it seems like something has not happened so it gets another click to "boot" it along ! It just happened the once, seems ok now.....
  5. Might as well use the "more reply options" at least its only one button press compared to highlight and delete. Still don't understand what's difficult about having the cancel button on the quote box screen. Have any changes suggested by the members been looked or even done yet?
  6. Why is there no "cancel" function displayed on the page after pressing a "quote reply" when adding a comment? There IS a cancel function available IF the "more reply options" are pressed but just means another screen to go too... not very logical and not observed on other forums like this. Anyway, what's the point of the extra screen? the "extra" (not really!) options could be incorporated in main reply section.
  7. Just had a similar problem from a desktop in that my reply seems to have been installed within the quote... as if the quote was not operating properly. Yet trying it gain on another post its ok, as is this one.
  8. ptr200

    back and happy

    Not sure I can agree with the fact that "a lot of problems are common to most models" although I do concede that there are crossover subjects parts etc. When you are "new" to the Triumph "experience" you are interested in the model YOU have... and lets face it a lot of new members that we want to attract on here, and to the meets of course, may know nothing or very little about any "crossover" situations That said I could live with these generic categories IF the Topic header reflected the model ... so for example in "cooling" where funnily enough, currently, the posters of three out of four topics have stated the model which is really helpful, not so in other cats though. "GT6 - thermostat problem " for instance or "Stag - overheating" , .... "TR8 -radiator size" just which model crossover does the TR8 rad come from anyway? What I don't need is to go to "Cooling Systems" then be faced with a load of topics saying "water problem" and having to open everyone of them to see if there is something about my model specific query. "Ah but" you say, there may be something of relevance in those posts, yes they may but I, and many others, don't have time off from the world to spend days on here trawling... I just go to a website that has an answer... from typing in to Google "Triumph Stag overheating" I don't get EVERY other car that has an overheating problem! and I don't get a relevant entry from this website either. You can already see the number of topics appearing are beginning to build up now and opening separate queries/questions just because its impossible to find a relevant topic is both exasperating and time consuming. If you want to build this site for the experienced Triumph member, fine, but just remember that, as discussed in previous years, we need to attract new people to the club.
  9. Just trying to update my profile with a picture. Tried to load using IMG and wont accept it... also tried a direct load but it says the pic is too big.... it can only load a 50kb file !!!! WHAT !!! I could take a pic that size using a jam jar ..... I am NOT reducing sizes of pics that I have to store on Photobucket, or anywhere else for that matter,as duplicates so how can I do this? Don't have this problem with ANY OTHER FORUM, this is beginning to frustrate me along with all the other "quirks" this site seems to have such as the odd category setup... as posted elsewhere
  10. ptr200

    back and happy

    Yep, with you here, as are a few other members, there is another thread with this on it too and I have posted in another thread the same thing, don't ask me where as it would take me too long to find it, the current categories mean you have to search through EVERYTHING
  11. I really can't get to grips with these categories, the threads are all over the place... Do we have a spotted section? Yesterday at the Lakeland Museum
  12. The other thing that is not very useful is that within the current categories the thread titles do not always have a model designation in them... this means opening the thread to read more,,, very timewasting. The only category that currently has a full house of thread titles with a car model is the bodywork and fittings section... most of the others... well your guess is as good as mine until the thread is opened.
  13. Don't agree at all, I am with Spittyholly and roverdrive I would like to see specific car categories, GT6, Spitfire, Herald etc . There might well be knowledgeable people checking EVERY post ( is this an "ask the mechanic" thread ?!) but I for one do not have the time to trawl all the current categories in the hope that someone has posted something of use to me about my specific car. If i post a query into a car specific category then the "knowledgeable" people for that car are the one I am targeting... there might well be a member that knows a lot about all the car models but invariably the one with the most real world answers will be the owners of said models. At the moment the categories showing are not useful in pining anything down... wait till each of those categories is chock full of different model threads then the hair tearing will start !
  14. This is a pic hosted via photobucket. I have just taken one out of my library on photobucket and clicked on the IMG link, it automaticlly copies it, the link, and then I just paste the link on this message... trouble is I can't check to see if it works until I post the ...err... post... Here goes EDIT Yippee, worked !
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