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Everything posted by jagnut66

  1. Hi, I have found a Herald and hope to pick it up very soon, in the meantime I have been putting together a few spares etc. I have managed to get hold of a spoked (banjo) steering wheel I am have refurbished and hope to fit. The horn push that came with it is the same, so another good spare there, however I need to know what size the nut is that holds the steering wheel in place (I prefer to use a socket rather than the old hammer and chisel method😄). Also I have spotted a diff for a 1360 on eBay, for a good price, will this be an improvement on the standard 1200 diff (for motorway work / longer journeys) or isn't it worth the bother? Thanks and best wishes, Mike.
  2. That is a nice one, price is now £5500 (buy it now)...... As for the 948 blue one, I wonder if what's under the bonnet has been changed to match the 'pimp my ride' look?...... Best wishes, Mike.
  3. He should have found another fiance, with better taste! 😄 Best wishes, Mike.
  4. Hi Colin, A 1954 Split-screen four door cheesegrater, up on axle stands due to welding work. One more wing to tidy (weld) up and then she should be ready for paint. However the chap doing the painting had a dose of Covidand has now been diagnosed with early COPD, so I'm not sure when he'll be able to return to the project at present..... I like the standard look with a few subtle mods under the skin, for example, she now has vented discs and a slightly 'breathed on' 948 mated to a 1098 box, prop and rear axle, instead of the asthmatic 803 she started with... I like your white Herald but always found white a pain to keep clean when in regular use. Best wishes, Mike.
  5. Wow, thanks Paul, just spotted this. I shall have to call him and see if he still has it. I was leaning more to £6000 max but there is nothing (apart from lockdown restrictions) stopping me from going to see it. Then, if it's as it appears in the pictures, I can always make an offer.... Best wishes, Mike.
  6. Thanks Adrian, somewhere between £4500 and £6000 seems about right. It's the saloon that they had, so although tempted by a convertible -- I think they're even better looking than a Minor convertible but don't tell the MMOC..... There was one on Gumtree but they wanted about £8500 and, though very nice, it was definitely not concours. I got bthe impression from the wording that they wouldn't budge far from that, if at all.... So head does rule heart, unless one comes along in the price range I mentioned above..... Best wishes, Mike.
  7. Thanks Pete but my childhood memories are of a Herald, so as nice as Vittesse's are it's a Herald that I seek.... I shall keep looking. As before, if anyone spots one please let me know, many thanks. Best wishes, Mike.
  8. Hi, My name's Mike, I have just joined the Triumph club, though I am also a long term member of the MMOC. I am looking to renew a childhood acquaintanceship with the Triumph Herald, with which I associate many fond memories. Sadly the car that belonged to my parents was written off a long time ago by the young couple that acquired her from them. So there is no chance of reacquiring the actual car. However I can look for one that is visually the same. So what I am searching for is a Wedgewood Blue Triumph Herald 1200 or 1250. If anyone on here is looking to sell theirs or knows of one for sale I would be very interested to hear about it. Basically, like everyone, I am looking for the best I can afford, though I would like a roadworthy example in a good state of repair. Regarding price, I would like to know what's out there to start with and what people are asking for them. Hopefully the right car will be amongst them and the seller and I will be able to reach an agreement that suits both of us. Many thanks in advance for any help that club members are able to give. Best wishes, Mike.
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