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Spitfire Rear Cockpit - How to Cut Seat Belt Opening in Panel

Neil Clark

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When I got it my car it only had lap belts (which is legal for a 1964 car) but I am fitting shoulder straps.  The threaded fixing mounting is there on the rear wheel arch and this means the shoulder part of the strap has to come through the board trim panel in the kit that I bought from Newton Commercial.  Has anybody cut such a hole and can you give me any hints please?

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I thought the seat belt mounting was inboard of the trim panels on Spitfires. It certainly is on mine. The belt passes through the trim panel on Herald/Vitesse convertible but the Spitfire trim panels are a fair way outboard so the wheel arch is very visible.

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However, as Neil’s car is a 1964 Mk1 it may well have a non factory third mount point? Or of course have been repaired over it’s lifetime. Photo should give you an idea of where they were fitted on the Mk3 and later.


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It's been fitted just aft of the vertical bracket supporting the rear deck.  It would be by far the easiest solution to just leave the mounts that do exist and fit new ones on the arches as suggested above.   I've a sneaking feeling that I've got spare plates somewhere to go on the underside of the arch.  I can't weld and I don't have access to a welder but if the plate is under the arch and the bolt holds it firmly to the belt fitting above do I need to weld the plate itself?  It will be firm and will spread the belt load won't it?

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The factory reinforcement plates are slightly curved so you’ll probably have to put yours a bit lower on the inner face of the wheel arch. I’ve used similar plates to those you have to mount my reels with a pop rivet through the small hole to hold them in place. 

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