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Herald - Windscreen glass replacement


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My windscreen has very fine crazing throughout. Last week a low sun left me blinded just as turned onto a round-about, giving me a real scare.

Am I correct in believing the grazing to be within the windscreen "layers" and that the only solution is to replace the screen?  If so, where please can I obtain a replacement?  I've searched on the net and am unable to find one.

Thanks Dave G


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Rimmers list them, the first and only place I checked.


I expect they are available elsewhere for less. Or try a local windscreen supplier, they can often find all sorts of stuff, but it can be a wait.

In your situation many people may accedentally drop something on the screen and make a glass claim.

Worth considering a new rubber if the screen is being replaced. COH Baines probably the best place. I have no Herald experience in the last 25 years, but I know many spitfire rubbers are wrong, and Baines are the best (and very reasonably priced)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the responses.

All suppliers I previously checked,  including Rimmers (with whom I am not a fan after a previous bad experience!) were out of stock.

Didn't think of Pilkington and have sent of an inquiry to them.


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