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Bought it back!


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Christmas came early for me yesterday. I bought back my old car 😁

I bought it new and sold it in 2016. It was built in June 90, the last month of production, registered in Feb 91. It has done only 300 miles in the 6 years since I sold it, odometer now reads 13,070.

Collected it from Sheffield and took the Derbyshire High Peaks route back to south Manchester. The weather was kind, the roads good and it was great to drive it again. Happy to have it back in my garage.


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Thanks, Neil. Over winter, I travel to Greenock once per month to clean and keep an eye on my boat. I was in a restaurant, alone and with no one to talk to I reverted to the otherwise abhorrent act of playing with a phone at the table. Browsing my favourite cars on Autotrader, this one jumped out of the page. I spotted a few telltale signs from the pictures. I spoke to the owner that night and, sadly, declared my hand and by doing so lost all negotiating rights 😩.



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Nice. I quite liked them, Had 2 in quick succession (base model repmobiles) back in the day. They handled well, didn`t have the plethora of unwanted "gizmo`s" we have to-day, and even the bread and butter ones where quick(ish), Best of all, they had not by then gone so far into the "electronic age" they could not be looked after with a few tools and some basic knowledge.

Shrewed move as well, in a few years it will be Tax, MOT and LEZ exempt!. Yet still a usable motor. In my view, Any Solid car of an age is going to become more than just the sum of it`s parts.

Strangely the one I would have back. Is my BX diesel Eastate. That was a Versatile and yet still drivable vehicle, and those HUD derived diesels ran forever.


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