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Pressing wheel studs into the hub


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Hi All,


Could I ask if anyone knows how critical is the depth to which wheel studs are pressed into the hubs? I'm asking because having changed the studs on my rear hubs I'm finding that one of them (there's always one, isn't there!) won't press all the way in. It is ~1mm shy of being fully home and no amount of heaving on the vice, even with the assistance of a 3' scaffold pole, can convince it to go into the hub to the same depth as the other three. I've attached a photo which shows the offending stud on the left and how it compares to a stud on the right which is fully inserted. I manage to press most things in with various sockets and a 6" vice and I'm loathe to invest in a hydraulic press for this one task unless I really have to.


Can I consider the stud to be sufficiently firm for use back on the car do you think? 








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it would seem theres a conflict between the chamfer on the stud and the depth of countersink in the hole 

it as you say press in with the forged head up snug to the hub flange 


most simply pull in with some spacer and a wheel nut (on back to front ) to pull these in 


are they an upgraded stud   , they quite  dont look std ones ??  



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Hi Pete,


The studs are standard from Canleys. The stud isn't quite far enough in for the chamfer to engage with the countersunk hole in the hub and so the interference seems to be with the barrel portion of the stud. I'll try to press it out again and try turning it a few degrees.



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I rotated the difficult stud through 90 degrees before pressing it back in and it eventually sat down at the right height, but it still required what I would consider to be excessive force to get it to this position. It might not be relevant, but the hub is an aftermarket item fitted by a PO and all the studs on this hub required much more effort to get them out and in than the four in the OEM hub from the other side of the car. I wonder if the dimensions on the newer hub are slightly out?


Anyhoo - job's done now. Thanks as always for your suggestions Pete.



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