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Waynebaby last won the day on November 8 2017

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About Waynebaby

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    Triumph GT6

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  1. Reading this thread finally got me to pull my finger out and check the temperature compensators - a job I've been putting off for about eight years. In the end it took me all of 15 minutes (10 if you discount the time spent looking for a tiny spanner to fit the nut) It has to be the simplest performance improvement mod' I've ever carried out. As WWT338J found, the tendency to drop below tick-over after revving has been cured and the tick-over itself is very steady. What I didn't expect though was the general improvement in response throughout the rev range. This simple tweak has given the engine a new lease of life. The moral of this story, as always, is listen to Uncle Pete. You know it makes sense. Wayne
  2. Hi Colin Same as my hi-torque starter on my GT6, a few years back. The drain hole was on the top, as due to the external solenoid it couldn't be fitted any other way, and it filled up with water then rusted merrily away. I couldn't believe the state of it - see photo. I stripped it down, cleaned everything back to good metal then filled it full of grease and it ran for the rest of my ownership with no problems. Mine wasn't quite as far gone as yours, but the solenoid didn't look very healthy when I first opened it up! Wayne
  3. Hi Peter, It is a fact, but it clearly doesn't drain too well. When I stripped the unit just now I found the problem was with the solenoid, which is in the lower portion of the unit where the "drain hole" is. The iron core of the solenoid had become slightly corroded and along with greasy gunk in there it just wasn't pulling in when power was applied. Once I cleaned up the core and fettled the internal contacts that the solenoid closes to energise the motor, everything was hunky-dory again. I think I'll hold off swapping it back until I'm next under the car (because it's a bit of a chore the fit) and see how the original Bendix fares. Wayne
  4. I managed to kill my PowerLite starter motor whilst draining and flushing the block on my GT6, a process which pours a deluge of water over the starter motor. On this occasion the deluge lasted 20 minutes, so the unit got a good soaking. I've got away with this on several previous occasions and thought I'd repeated this when I did the flush last Thursday, since everything seemed fine and the PowerLIte happily started the engine before and after a test run. Having spent the intervening period presumably corroding some vital internal component, the PowerLite is today as dead as a Dodo. Needless to say I only ascertained this after buying a new battery! (Yuasa 075, £104 at Halfords) I've refitted the original Bendix starter and wonder if anybody else has had this problem or if I was just unlucky. Also, do other wiser heads use some strategically placed polythene sheet to divert the water coming from the engine-block drain away from the starter? Wayne
  5. Paul, I had a similar problem a few years ago whilst running a Lumenition ignition on my GT6. It turned out that the control module for the ignition was faulty. If all else fails you might want to investigate that as a possible source of your troubles. Wayne
  6. From my experience getting the holes in the spring to line up with the holes in the spacer to line up with the holes in the differential can be a bit of a nightmare! Take your time making sure the studs are going cleanly into the holes in the differential, as it's quite easy to strip a thread in the casing. Ask me how I know!! Wayne
  7. Been having a similar problem with my Vitesse fitted with lumination electronic ignition, I had a similar issue with lumention optronic ignition. It turned out to be a faulty Power Module, so in disconnecting the Lumenition you may have isolated the problem. Wayne
  8. Keith, J & L Spares Ltd (01706 644210) in Castleton near Rochdale overhauled my Girling Powerstop servo back in 2017 when it started leaking fluid. It's worked well ever since. Unfortunately I can't find the invoice, so I don't know what they charged. Wayne
  9. If I remember correctly the fixing bolt has a waisted unthreaded portion part way along it's length. I screwed the wing plate thingy onto the bolt until it rested in the unthreaded part. This allows the sealing plate to "float" and helps prevent internal leakage caused by dodgy manufacturing tolerances in the machining of the recess in the block. Wayne
  10. Wagger gave a part no club for the club shop kit, when in shop section and tried a search, it says access denied?. Plowed through the listings and second to last was the adapter, though couldn't see repair kit? Hi. I got the part number (and the kit) by looking in the hard copy of the club shop catalogue and using the phone. (I've never managed to find/order anything I want using the on-line system!) I've also got the tee-shirt for trying to fit two square section O-rings in the groove in the block. Wayne (not Wagger)
  11. The club shop sells the service kit for the spin-off filter conversion. This includes all the seals and a new bolt Part number FC290SKIT. £10 + postage. Wayne
  12. Steering rack doesn't seem to have play in it. Did you see this simply by turning the wheel assembly back and forth and its effect on the steering wheel? If so I havent noticed such a large amount but can check again tomorrow Hi Peter, Sorry for the delay in replying. The play in the steering rack mounts was obvious when watching the rack whilst the steering wheel was waggled. The rack waggled back and forth along with the steering wheel . Wayne
  13. Peter When I first got my GT6 it used to try to climb on the pavement whenever I used the brakes. My problem turned out to be badly worn steering rack bushes which meant that the rack could float back and forth by about 1". I think that applying the brakes encouraged the car to head down the road camber and towards the gutter. Just a thought. Wayne
  14. I find that "Bike Pot Black" by Hermetite goes on well by brush and shows no sign of flaking from my exhaust manifold after several thousand miles (even if the contents of the tin must be >40 years old!) Sadly I suspect it may no longer be available. Wayne
  15. Check and then double check that the circlip is fully seated in the groove or you'll be doing this job again in no time at all. Ask me how I know! Wayne
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