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Car moving - Liverpool


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Morning all, I'm looking to move my GT6 to a local garage but am struggling to find a company with any get up and go about them. I.e. Who will answer the phone, return phone calls, do what they say they will... basically who has any idea how to run a business! :-/


Does anybody out there know of a Liverpool based or at least North West based firm who has experience moving low-slung classics? Most companies I've seen don't have the right kind of truck and treat cars shockingly.


I'm only looking to move it about 5 miles but can't start the car and am not prepared to have it towed behind another vehicle.


Many thanks in advance!



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Can you locate any local accident-repair company? Most have a car-dedicated flatbed with tilting ramp and winch and if it's only five miles they'll do it in half an hour. If you go to a specialist removal firm they'll charge the earth for basically the same thing.

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I've seen how accident repair firms drive cars onto ramps at warp speed too many times - to my own cost, hence why I'm keen on finding a specialist firm :-) Three times I've had cars damaged by firms like that... believe me they'd be my first choice cost-wise but I've been too badly burnt in the past!


As for a car trailer unfortunately I don't have a tow bar, a licence that will allow me to tow a vehicle or know anyone with one etc... no luck there. Good suggestion though!

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I've seen how accident repair firms drive cars onto ramps at warp speed too many times - to my own cost, hence why I'm keen on finding a specialist firm :-) 


Funnily enough, I haven't. I've seen thousands winched on carefully and professionally, unless they're already write-offs.

I'm moving all three Triumphs next week on a flatbed lorry owned by a local recovery company and they won't even get dusty let alone damaged.

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On the other hand ...

Silverback broke the Woodruff key to a hub on the way back from Le Mans.    Even with no drive at all to one rear wheel, the Quaife ATB got us halfway to the Channel, but no further, and Sb was recovered (eventually), while I made my way home thanks to the Aces.  When Sb did get home:


One GRP door was torn off its hinges where someone had leaned on it

The rear silencers had hit the floor and the Y-connector in front of them had been flattened, precisely as JJ says, by too rapid driving/winching up a ramp.

This was by a "professional" car recovery firm, employed by the Footman James.



If you have no luck, PM me - I have a trailer.


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